Relevated Apr 23, 2014 Just heard the news. I'm dumbstruck. Actually, I might just be dumb. Anyway, get back to me as soon as you can champ!
Just heard the news. I'm dumbstruck. Actually, I might just be dumb. Anyway, get back to me as soon as you can champ!
Scarlett Dracarys Apr 23, 2014 Hey you hope things get better for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on you know where to find me xoxo
Hey you hope things get better for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on you know where to find me xoxo
Hectic Apr 23, 2014 Yep, stay strong man and if you didn't read the PM I saved it for you anyway. Give me a shout when you can.
Yep, stay strong man and if you didn't read the PM I saved it for you anyway. Give me a shout when you can.
BD Oct 5, 2013 I didn't really challenge her on it, just jokingly said "hey, look me up when I'm in college", to which she winked, that bloody wink eh?
I didn't really challenge her on it, just jokingly said "hey, look me up when I'm in college", to which she winked, that bloody wink eh?