Moonwalker's latest activity

  • You're beyond help, I'm just gonna move along.
  • I have no idea what you are even talking about. How does fairness factor into it? Objective, no less.
  • It really doesn't. The only thing you can fix, is the appearance. As long as there is a certain measure of precision, it will always come down to centimeters. You can only move around this "margin" so as to hide this fact from the naked eye, but...
  • Yeah, my memory might be playing tricks on me. Whether they gained the knowledge through the test, or already had it before it is not that relevant though. The fact is that they could predict his every move, to the minutest of details which is...
  • Have not watched it in a very long time, but I remember it as one of the stupidest films I ever watched. Certainly the worst Fincher film I've ever watched. The guy does a 2 page Likert test at the start of the movie, and then they are magically...