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  • As for Xavi, check out the disastrous years between 2001-2003 and how Xavi's role diminished and he looked to leave.
    That has little to do with the club believing in youngsters. Xavi was a starter by then. The diminished role wasn't because of his age or him being an academy player, it was just yet another part of the Gaspart disaster. Laporta sticking with him had no real bearing on giving him a chance, and all to do with him being the most talented spanish player ever
    Sure it does, they abandoned the Cruyff play and with it players like Xavi were marginalized. Laporta did more than stick with him, he put a Cruyffist in as coach in Rijkaard and returned to La Masia values
    Adama was Under Eusebio, in a team that was being relegated and had completely abandoned the Cruyff playing philosophy - they were geared towards results, rather than development even buying older players and shipping youths out on loan. A year earlier, Adama led the Juvenil A team to the UEFA Youth championship so it can't be that he suddenly lost his brain in one season.
    Youth level. You don't need to know how to play football at that level when you're that much bigger stronger and faster than everyone else
    I watched and attended many of those matches, has a great deal to do with IQ - he wasn't simply running aimlessly, it's a gross misinterpretation of what the youth teams do
    Tello, Cuenca & Deulofeu got their first team débuts Under Pep - other coaches disregarded them & hence their development although Isaac's case he simply suffered from repeated injuries more than anything else
    In the first place, Lucho never had Adama for 1 month nevermind 2 years. Secondly, both Iniesta & Xavi have talked many times over about how before Pep returned the club to La Masia values they looked outside the club on more than one occasion due to being overlooked, so no on that as well
    The idea that he was pushed out by the board might be true, in fact it probably is. The idea that it's the board's fault for him having no football IQ is plain wrong. Don't get me wrong, it's possible with better coaching at youth level he might be better now, but that doesn't change the fact that he was never truly a special talent anyways
    Not 19 though, that's the point at 19 and even at 20, Xavi & Iniesta contemplated leaving due to being marginalized. Lucho never had Adama, never. Not with the B team nor with the 1st team - that's just inaccurate. Lucho had Munir, Sandro & Deulofeu and never played Gerard - there was a disconnect there.
    Xavi was a starter by 2000. Iniesta took longer, but still featured heavily for Rijkaard. Adama was still with Barca B the entire 2014/15 season
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