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  • 60 years watching United and I've had to watch our worst ever player, Lindelöf, for nearly seven of them. Keeps getting worse. Until someone wakes up and realises this idiot can't play football at a top level we are not winning anything else.
    Lindelöf must really know something about someone very high up in the hierachy at United. Seven years of total incompetence and he's still not only at the club but in the team.
    Fun fact: Queen's Park is the oldest association football club in Scotland, having been founded in 1867, and is the oldest in the world outside England and Wales.
    Everyone knows the British are being lied to continually by the British Government except the British. And if they dare to question, get them to wave a flag. Britain the world leader in stupidity.
    “ It was not desirable for the proles to have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary;;”
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