Transfer Tweets - England & Scotland - 2022/23 | Follow the rules in the OP

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Kermit Inc. 2022 (and receiver of fake warnings)
Sep 10, 2013
Toronto, ON, Canada
Toronto FC
This thread is dedicated to Tweets that refer to teams other than Manchester United that are in England and Scotland only. For other Tweets, please use one of the other Transfer Tweets threads.

Anyone not following the rules will be warned and eventually permabanned from the thread.


  • Post a Tweet referring to Manchester United or teams outside of England & Scotland.
  • Post a Tweet from a banned source (see below for the banned sources) unless they have held an interview with a player
    • Also, don't post a Tweet from an aggregator that refers to a Tier 4 source or below. The same exception as above applies.
  • Post a non-English Tweet without a basic translation (either from another Tweet or in the post itself). Suggested translators: Google Translate, DeepL, Reverso
  • Post anything from aggregator accounts (e.g. afcstuff, AnfieldWatch) without the original source (as a second Tweet, link, embed, image, or a reference to a TV/radio show).
    • Exception: an aggregator's Tweet is retweeted by the source. The Tweet must then be accompanied by a message/screenshot indicating this. Otherwise, the Tweet will not be allowed.
  • Post anything from aggregator accounts who don't refer to the original source and tend to make stuff up for retweets/follows. Example, Proof
  • Post the following types of Tweets (post them in quotes/spoilers to avoid putting them into the feed)
    • Joke/Piss-take Tweets
    • Tweets that don't refer to a transfer story (e.g. a journalist posting their own opinions; example)
    • Tweets that refer to agent changes (without referring to the player's future), team ownership updates, or financial analyses (a transfer budget is enough info)
  • Post more than 3 Tweets per post. We highly encourage only 2 at most.
  • Post a comment referring to a rumour/report without a Tweet (e.g. "I've read multiple reports about United being linked to Haaland. If true...")
  • Post the full article verbatim from a Tweet. Provide a bullet-point summary instead.
  • Post anything that was tweeted more than three days ago. If it wasn't posted before then, nobody cares.
  • Post Tweets that are already in the thread. Check the feed before posting the Tweet.
  • Use the thread to moan (about the Tweets, United's targets, other teams' targets compared to United's, moaners, etc.).
  • Post off-topic comments or hold extended discussions over a single Tweet (that span multiple pages). Create a new thread instead.
Rules of thumb:
  • Article with no author = typically unreliable (exception: journalist websites like
  • If a Tweet gets deleted, then either replace it with another Tweet or delete the post.
  • Treat Fabrizio Romano as both a source and aggregator.
    • If Fabrizio Romano refers to another source, then provide a Tweet, link, etc. from that source.
Aggregators are Twitter accounts that collect news and reports from various media outlets and publish their summaries/key tidbits. They always refer to the source but often do not refer to the original article/news passage. They very rarely, if ever, post their own information; if they do, they prepend their Tweets with an "Exclusive:" or similar. Also, unfortunately, several aggregators (including some very popular ones) tend to alter the original info to either fit the content into a Tweet or sensationalise the original report. This is why it's imperative for everyone to provide the original source when posting anything from an aggregator. Aggregators also do not care about the quality of the source; they often publish Tweets containing info from unreliable sources.

Use the aggregators to either summarise the original source's info or translate the info from a non-English source. Basically, treat an aggregator like Wikipedia: use it to become more aware of what's going on in the football world, but recognise that it is not a reliable source of information.

What Kind of Tweets should I Post?
  • Player transfers, free signings, contract extensions, or releases
  • Managerial transfers, signings, contract extensions, or releases
  • Football executive appointments/releases (DoF, CEO/Chairperson, Head of Negotiations, etc.)
  • Transfer plans + any impacts to them
  • Transfer budgets + any impacts to them
The teams that you can post Tweets for:
  • Premier League
  • All EFL Leagues (Championship, League One, League Two)
    • Exception: Wrexham AFC
  • Scottish Premiership

The Caf now has its own pair of tier lists (one for United sources, and one for everything else). You can find them and more here. For your convenience, here is the list of banned sources (as of 24 January 2023):
TierSource (Individual)Source (Media Outlet)
Tier 4 - Banned for aggregator Tweets only; Speculative; rarely on the right trackStefan Bienkowski (@SBienkowski) - General football but focus on Manchester City on multiple occasions
Dominic King (@DominicKing_DM) - Northern football (i.e. Liverpool, Everton, City, United, etc.)
Darren Lewis (@MirrorDarren) - London football
Lyall Thomas/Alex Crook/"Talksport sources"/Tom Hopkinson/Kaveh Solhekol - English football
Saber Desfarges (@SaberDesfa)/Mohamed Toubache-Ter (@MohamedTERParis) - French football
Julien Laurens (@LaurensJulien) - French football/players; Tier 3 for PSG
Daniele Longo (@86_longo)/Marco Conterio (@marcoconterio) - Italian football/players
Jorge Nicola (@jorgenicola)/other Brazilian journalists on YouTube - Brazilian football/players
Sébastien Denis (@sebnonda)
Gianluigi Longari (@Glongari)
Christian Falk (@cfbayern) - Tier 3 for Bayern Munich
Duncan Castles (@DuncanCastles) - Tier 2 for news involving Jorge Mendes clients/transfers
Manuel Veth (@ManuelVeth) - German football, MLS, and Canadian football
Pete O'Rourke (@SportsPeteO)
Mark Odgen (@MarkOdgen_)
Alex Shaw (AlexShawESPN)
Graeme Bailey (@GraemeBailey)
Steve Bates (@sbates_people)
Simon Mullock (@MullockSMirror)
Chris Winterburn (@cmwinterburn)
Sam Pilger (@sampilger)
James Robson (@jamesalanrobson)
Phil Brown (@Malachians)
Transfer Window Podcast (Duncan Castles)
Téléfoot (telefoot_TF1) - French football
BILD/SportBILD - German football
Portuguese newspapers not already covered (e.g. Record, A Bola, O Jogo)
Spanish newspapers (e.g. ABC, Sport, AS)
L'Équipe (@lequipe)
Italian newspapers, news sites, and radio stations (e.g. Gazzetta dello Sport, Radio Napoli, CalcioNapoli24)
Sport Mediaset (@sportmediaset)
Football Insider (@footyinsider247)
Foot Mercato (@footmercato)
Sky Sports - Paper Talk is Tier 5
StrettyNews - only for exclusive news
All other local media outlets that haven't already been mentioned/covered.
Tier 5 - Banned; so speculative that they may as well be guessing; aggregatorsNicolò Schira (@NicoSchira)
Ekrem Konur (@Ekremkonur)
Pedro Almeida (@pedrogva6)
Rudy Galetti (@RudyGaletti)
Jacque Talbot (@jac_talbot)
Simon Phillips (@siphillipssport) - Chelsea
Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri)
Kevin Palmer (@RealKevinPalmer)
Dean Jones (@DeanJonesSoccer)
Indykaila (@indykaila)
محمد الكعبي (@Qatari)
James Robson (@jamesrobsonES)
Miguel Delaney (@MiguelDelaney)
Simon Jones
Mark Goldbridge (@markgoldbridge)
Stephen Howson (@MrStephenHowson)
Tom McDermott (@MrTomMcDermott)
Shay Lugassi (@Shlugassi)
Terry Flewers (@terryflewers)
z (@zeeshanxz)
Eduardgo Hagn(@EduardoHagn)
Ross Harwood (@RossHarwood_)
mufcmpb (@mufcMPB)
Don Balon (@DonBalon)
Diario Gol (@diarioGOLcom) (@fichajesnet)
El Chiringuito (@elchiringuitotv) - Spanish football/players
Fussball Transfers (@FT_Redaktion)
Jeunes Footeux
le10sport (@le10sport)
But! Football Club (@club_but)
Corriere dello Sport (@CorSport)
Tuttosport (@tuttosport)
All Italian transfer sites (e.g.,, TuttoMercatoWeb)
Transfermarkt (@transfermarkt)
Football Transfers (@Transfersdotcom)
The Sun
Daily Mail
Daily Star
Manchester Evening News (@ManUtdMEN)
Bleacher Report
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It's not a bad move for Hayden. He was a serviceable player in the PL, but he won't be good enough for Newcastle's ambitions for next season. I'm surprised that none of the recently-promoted PL clubs went after him.


Aké on his future:
I am going to show myself even more next season. In principle, I just want to continue at City.
I don't have the requisite privileges to post in the discussion thread, but I must say it seems slightly crackers to have 4 different threads and places for debate for what is essentially one dimension of football. It's incredibly diffused and complicates what ought to be simple chatter over transfer gossip. Also, while it might work over the summer months during the postseason break, will all four threads have much activity when the football kicks off again? Seems like a rather convoluted and roundabout way to solve the original problem (which I'm not even sure has been solved?).

On topic: like @mazhar13, really surprised that Forest didn't go for Isaac Hayden. They are going to desperately need some players with a bit of experience if they are to stay up.

Source: Sky Deutschland

The list of interested teams:
  • Leeds United
  • Southampton
  • West Ham United
  • Hertha Berlin
  • Eintracht Frankfurt
  • RB Leipzig
Adamu's contract expires in 2025, and he'll cost €10m.

Source: NOS

Lutsharel Geertruida (21-year-old centre back who can also play equally well at right back) on his PL dream:
I want to play in the Premier League one day. When I was young, I saw Arjen Robben play at Chelsea in a scary team. Then I thought: I want that too! I also have a shirt of him. Chelsea was just my club, man. Just like Feyenoord from an early age.

On whether he'd want to move to the PL this summer:
Certainly. I just haven’t had the chance to go to such a dream club yet. They have never called. My agent also knows that I am a fan of the Premier League. But Feyenoord is still my dream club.
Fair. I would like all National League to be included tbh, as I follow Chesterfield and I don’t have anywhere to go to, to follow the other transfers in that league, but I understand that a line needs to be drawn somewhere
What's your opinion on what happened with James Rowe? He did well but from the little i read he seems a bit of a prick but you got Paul Cook back which is quite a coup.

Source: Belgium press conference via RTBF

Tielemans on his future:
You need to stay calm. I’m good where I am. I still have a year left on my contract. I’m not in a rush. When you change clubs, you don’t change just to change. You change because there is a great project on the table. For a player, the most important thing is to play. It’ll be up to me to make the right decision regarding my future this summer, but now, I’m relaxed and focusing on the Red Devils.
What's your opinion on what happened with James Rowe? He did well but from the little i read he seems a bit of a prick but you got Paul Cook back which is quite a coup.

The guy is an absolute cnut. Lots of stories have come out about him from staff who worked there and he was just rude, obnoxious and many other things that I’ll not put on a public forum.

The buzz around Cook coming back was great, but the performances since he came back haven’t been up to scratch. A lot of that is down to Rowe having players to suit his style (3 at the back and relying on Tshimanga) and then Cook trying to implement a fast paced 4231 and Tshimanga getting injured for the season in his first game..

All in all a season that offered a lot ended in a bit of a whimper, but there is a lot of optimism about Cook building his own team in the summer


Inter-Lukaku, the negotiations can begin. After initial contacts Chelsea did not close to the possibility of selling him on loan. Now, however, it is necessary for Inter to make a step towards the Blues with the right formula. The operation that seemed impossible is now real.

On a side note, Romano has basically become Di Marzio's sole translator now.

EDIT: Updated the source with the correct Tweet
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Marcos Alonso on a possible future in Spain:

"I have one more year on my contract. I have already said that I would like to, but in the end it doesn't depend entirely on me."

"It is clear that the desire to one day play in Spain is there."
Dividing up the transfer tweets like this was a terrible idea. If it ain't broke, don't fix it ... and it wasn't broke.
I think its better this way because it will prevent people from engaging on arguments or blocking each other just because they are not interested on some specific content. We'll get used to the new format.
Dividing up the transfer tweets like this was a terrible idea. If it ain't broke, don't fix it ... and it wasn't broke.
Where have you been mate? You have "risen from the ashes like a phoenix" I suppose.
Welcome back, hope you stick around.

Source: NOS

Lutsharel Geertruida (21-year-old centre back who can also play equally well at right back) on his PL dream:

On whether he'd want to move to the PL this summer:

Lutsharel has a lot of dreams going on there.
Keep discussion on track
Keep discussion on track. There is a tweets debate thread in the General

A tad high on the wages (thankfully Deph, Gylfi etc. leaving is freeing up c. 300kish in wages per week) but a good signing. He will bring consistency and calmness to a calamitous defence.

Getting a top CB in return is a dream scenario from this mess. If we can snag Skriniar or Bastoni in return while off-loading Lukaku in the same deal, we'll come out this smelling of roses. That would be incredible.
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