Television TV is Crap and Escape at Dannemora


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Watch this latest piece of risible, episodic shite you say. Feck off I say. I watched Dannemora.

No one told me about Escape to Dannemora, the 2019 TV series from Showtime (the heck even is Showtime?). It's a long form drama about people and things, that is not on Netflix. It's not what's cool bro, it hasn't twisty plots, fan theories, mind-blowing moments or guess-who surprises. It's drama with detail, texture, nuance. It's space to breath happenings, with pain and sadness and other feelings. It's lived in empathetic characters, who's motivations we can understand, even those of the most unpleasant. It's got direction by Ben Stiller that's not spectacular or clever-clever. It doesn't need to be. it's enough that he allows the drama to breathe and the characters to exist. It's socially conscious drama but no one needs a big speech or to brashly confront a different social justice issue every episode. Social issue themes are ever present, existing within the fabric of the story. And as such they feel authentic. Escape is not just a prison escape, it is also about people living under restrictions, inside and outside the cell bars, about small town suffocation under economic deprivation . It speaks to feminist issues around domestic docility and glass ceilings, subjugation and exploitation, and it does this all without loud announcements or fanfared cliché ridden lectures. Dannemora is not the best thing ever, it's only an excellent story well crafted and was somehow on tv. That makes it pretty damn odd. This stuff should have no home: it's too subtle for the sewer box, too long for the cinema.

TV is crap. You are idiot. Stop ruining my life.