Should football sizes be bigger?


Probably no longer under surveillance
Apr 12, 2008
Thinking up of my next genius thread
Are current footballs too small? I said before goals are too small now considering the average height of humans has gone up since they were invented. But with players being bigger and stronger too, should footballs be bigger and heavier?
Would this make the game better?

I think the wheel needs to be reinvented too. we’re due a new design
It’d certainly make the non-issue of players getting bigger closer to being an issue
We love and have loved the game for years for what it is. Why would you want to change it?

Every player has literally trained their whole career with the ball the current size.
i would be an interesting mechanic to level the playing field. if you go three goals clear, the ball you play with should be bigger than the ball your opponent is playing with. this will give the losing team more chance of getting back in the match and stop one sided bore fests.
Who’s that poster who made the thread about running the field with the ball on your head? This is his second account
Yeah make the ball weigh a kilo. Need more brain damage
10 kilo, 4 foot diameter footballs would toughen au those diving midgets for sure.
Let's think about changing the shape too. Round balls are boring.
10 kilo, 4 foot diameter footballs would toughen au those diving midgets for sure.

Those would literally "level the playing field" along with the players - just like rimaldo wanted.
i would be an interesting mechanic to level the playing field. if you go three goals clear, the ball you play with should be bigger than the ball your opponent is playing with. this will give the losing team more chance of getting back in the match and stop one sided bore fests.
I never quite got why they’ve binned that idea after the initial success in the Liverpool - Sunderland test game.
Has the weight of the ball changed? I always remember the mitre balls of the 90’s you could kick as hard as you wanted almost and the ball would dip etc. Modern balls seem to fly further and swerve more.
Possibly. I'll look into it and get back to you.
Has the weight of the ball changed? I always remember the mitre balls of the 90’s you could kick as hard as you wanted almost and the ball would dip etc. Modern balls seem to fly further and swerve more.
Not the weight of the ball itself, it’s standardized, but the material & aerodynamics are constantly evolving. When you look at the ball from the 1950’s, for example, the biggest differences are how quickly it can soak in water (modern ball barely do that at all while the old ones got significantly heavier in bad conditions) and the lack of laces.
We should do away with goals and make it a possession based game. We would finally win trophies as a country with our superior philosophy.
They should play with one of these bad boys. Old school fly away
Who’s that poster who made the thread about running the field with the ball on your head? This is his second account

They've had a name change so could be the same poster. This is the artist formerly known as goranivanisevic

I never quite got why they’ve binned that idea after the initial success in the Liverpool - Sunderland test game.

Who’s that poster who made the thread about running the field with the ball on your head? This is his second account

I don't know, but I remember years ago someone suggested that United, if they ever took the lead in a game, could just have De Gea bounce the ball off Fellaini's head for the rest of the game, complete with drawings, diagrams and everything. Glorious thread idea that was.
Ive always felt the game would be more interesting if the football had a randomized timer connected to the explosive charge inside the football.

The game would be less about tiki-taka and more about scoring a goal and subs sitting at the bench in fear of being subbed on
Yes, but only for Usain Bolt.
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Hello, my name is Michael and I'd like to introduce you to 2022. The last few years have been mad but I think you'll like it here.
I know the he's retired (and I don't care!).