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  • I hate that im almost certainly going to watch this at some point. I'll wait till the full season is out and let others be guinea pigs.
  • He is just not good.
  • njred replied to the thread Pre-Season Friendlies 2024.
    I like that Slot is involved on the sidelines yelling and waving his arms about. I was a little worried he would be dour and quiet on the bench. No one likes that in a coach.
  • caid replied to the thread Television Star Wars -The Acolyte.
    I watched this in a couple of sittings. Its mediocre. Not 3.6 on imdb bad but wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The first episode was garbage and that score might be fair if you were judging it on that one episode (which is were most sane people...
  • Everyone calm down. There's a lot of angry roid raged people with shrunken genitals and low self esteem in this thread right now, so it's best that we don't anger them lest they go all roid ragey and drive their BMW into a library* or something...
  • Mr Pigeon reacted to VanKenny's post in the thread Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation with Like Like.
    Fitness has been my passion since i was 15, now 20 years later im convinced i will still be going to the gym 20 years from now if health allows it of course. Ive been learning and consuming fitness content and information since before fitness...
  • Knew it :lol: can't help himself
  • LDUred replied to the thread Emile Smith Rowe.
    That more recent knee injury might be linked to the long-standing groin issue. If his hip issue hadn't fully fixed itself it might have had a knock-on effect. Not sure what he has done in the second half of the 23/24 season, but with the limited...
  • elmo replied to the thread F1 2024 Season.
    Can it play Mario kart though :lol:
  • I’ve concluded that he is either cosplaying a drunk person or his keyboard is wank. I hope Megbri is given a proper chance this pre-season. He was played out of position last pre-season, which was disappointing to say the least. I firmly believe...
  • RedC replied to the thread Noussair Mazraoui.
    Congrats, the most important thing is that you're right.
  • Both Mazraoui and Ferdi can play on the left or right. Considering we really need both a RB and LB but realistically are only getting one this window, a player with versatility like that is exactly who we should be after.
  • ATXRedDevil replied to the thread David Hancko.
    Fair enough.
  • Hilarious.
  • Yes, that's his 4th account :lol: