Dion's latest activity

  • The GMP didn't challenge the appeal to be granted bail after he was charged for rape in October, it was never contested. This is what the judge in his hearing said: “What I am being told is the defendant flagrantly breached the conditions over...
  • You mean apart from the police statement. They were also already back in contact by February 2022, so I'm not sure where you're going with it.
  • She asked the police to end the investigation, she didn't withdraw her statement so she wasn't committed to the decision. The victim and Greenwood were already in contact by April 2022, it wasn't until further exposure to Greenwood that she...
  • I never claimed either way, it's breaking the law regardless. It doesn't put a different light on it. No, correlation is not causation. Getting a victim pregnant shouldn't mean you dont have to abide by court orders to stay away from the...
  • Do you have actual evidence for this? Because she didn't withdraw her statement until much, much later.
  • Not to undermine you or anything on this, but he wasn't released on appeal, he was released with instruction not to contact the victim again. He did and wasn't charged a second time, which is what the judge admonished GMP for.
  • You literally said "First off, do we know it was a one way street regarding the contact? And do we know which way?". The point was it doesn't remotely matter if it was 2 way or not, that doesn't rule out coercion. I didn't actually say that...
  • For what it's worth, I do think you'd be absolutely foolish to take the null stance that he didn't coerce the victim when he was charged prior to the bail conditions with coercing and controlling behaviour, repeatedly broke bail conditions to...
  • It doesn't matter if it was a one way street or not, if the victim contacted Greenwood then it's still a breach of bail for him to return that contact. If she text him and he text her back then he's broken his bail condition and GMP should have...
  • I didn't say it was the reason she withdrew from the case. I said he repeatedly broke contact until the point she did. I also literally prefaced the entire statement in the hypothetical where you assume the most generous interpretation of events...
  • It's very hard to judge the CPS in this case, because they have to make all kinds of considerations to the victims mental state etc. The real fury in all of this (aside from the obvious) needs to be with GMP. Even if Greenwood is totally...
  • Figured it must have gone live after you'd last refreshed the page so requoting it seemed the easiest.
  • As I said, it's not a lack of evidence. When the case is discontinued it's because the CPS have decided they can but shouldn't prosecute the case. This is usually a victim wellbeing issue.
  • It just doesn't happen, if the witness gets up and says it was all roleplay and the injuries were accidental the court case is over there and then. Reasonable doubt unless she's charged with lying under oath, and the CPS aren't going to charge a...
  • 'new material that came to light' could by any submission by the coerced victim.