Recent content by Dorkstorm

  1. Refs & VAR 2020/2021 Discussion

    The call went against the team I support, but I'm all for them making calls like that in the future. Dont take 5 minutes to analyze wether someone is offside by 1mm or not (since, even if the software is 100% accurate, the person drawing the lines and choosing which frame to use isn't). The...
  2. Refs & VAR 2020/2021 Discussion

    I'm with you on that one. I saw it happen, Immediately thought they would pull it back for a pen, but the game just went on. It shouldn't matter if someone stays on his feet and gets an awkward / bad shot away. But that will be the counter argument. "He stayed on his feel so no pen" I don't...
  3. Refs & VAR 2020/2021 Discussion

    Thats the exact same issue I have with offside calls. They need to specify the moment the frame needs to be taken, and they need to make use of more than 1 frame. Either way, the argumant will just move, and people will never be happy. I just want it to go back to Attackers having the benefit of...
  4. Refs & VAR 2020/2021 Discussion

    Yes, offside is off, and onside is on. But we have the VAR refs selecting which frame to use. In most cases with such fine margins, a player is onside one frame, and offside the next. More emphasis needs to be put on which frame/s should be taken. Is it just as the passers foot hits the ball...
  5. Refs & VAR 2020/2021 Discussion

    I've been a lurker for ages, but that offside call alone was reason enough to start an account. My question is, why draw the line for the attacked on the very last mm of his sleeve, but the line for the defender (almost) right on his shoulder(you can actually see his sleeve on the other side...