DT12's latest activity

  • My username is 'Isaiah' on this Everton forum, on which I'm very active on footballing matters: www.toffeetalk.com Feel free to swing by and say hi. I also use the same username as here (DT12) on www.grandoldteam.com, but I am less active...
  • Quick note on this. I have neve blamed countries supporting Ukraine because "Russian interests must be met". I never write about what should be, I write about what is going to be. I have never said anything remotely like "Russia's interests must...
  • Apparently an under-estimation. To be clear, you're saying the exact words of the deputy head of Ukrainian military intelligence, as quoted by one of Britain's most pro-Ukrainian newspapers, are "Russian propaganda"? The exact words of the US...
  • Ukraine's deputy head of military intelligence says there's no way for Ukraine to win on the battlefield. Which has been obvious for over 2 years, but I'm guessing not even the most committed of the #SlavaUkraini crowd can call this guy a Russian...
  • The whole thing is worth a watch - it's about Ukraine's frankly illegal attempts to get its male citizens sent back from Europe - but I'm posting it because "military analyst" Frank Ledwidge has spent 2 years being the British version of Ben...
  • The actual text of the "Ukraine aid" portion of the bill (anyone here actually read it?) is farcical. Among other open admissions that it's nothing more than one final act of wealth transfer from taxpayers to the military industrial complex...
  • https://www.politico.eu/article/why-ukraine-losing-russia-war/ "As Ukraine’s ousted chief commander Zaluzhny found to his cost, rational warnings that things may not turn out well can get commentators and analysts in trouble. But suspending...
  • https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68823399
  • He got caught up in the West's bullshit about how "Ukraine can defeat Russia", which every single Western leader must have known was utter nonsense. If they were genuine "friends" of Ukraine, they would have done 2 years ago what they are doing...
  • If he still hasn't figured out the difference between an "ally" and a "proxy" 2 years into this war then he isn't "rightly" annoyed, he's a moron. I will say this for him though - there is a definite anger coming through in his nightly...
  • It's not a question of "bravery". When every major political and military leader in the West is saying direct war with Russia must be avoided "at all costs" (the acceptable 'cost' here being Ukraine), it's likely they have access to information...
  • So this is the 3rd time on the last page alone that this sentiment has been expressed. I wasn't planning to respond to it, because it is a part of the same arrogant Western thinking that has led Ukraine this far down the garden path. The people...
  • "But as discussed during the Paris Conference in February, we must do even more to ensure we defeat Russia. The world is watching – and will judge us if we fail" - David Cameron, 2 days ago...
  • Case in point to the above, from Austria's chancellor: https://geopolitique.eu/en/2024/04/08/austrias-strategic-neutrality-a-conversation-with-the-federal-chancellor-karl-nehammer/ "On the other hand, we must find a way to negotiate in order...
  • The vast majority of the world continues to do business with Russia. Believing that the collective West cutting themselves off from Russia constitutes "the world" consigning Russia to "international pariah status" is another reason why its...