Recent content by hastoro11

  1. Rashford considering his future...

    To Gary's tweet: 1.) I think this is just the usual "the problem is at the board" and "the club lost his identity" stuff that's needed to say nowadays by every pundit to remain in the mainstream. Half true, but if MR reached his peak, that's it, we'll have to let him go. 2.) Very true. This...
  2. Will you still support the club?

    I second that. We can dream about Besos or Musk but the reality is that we can get a Russian, Chinese oligarch or an arabic prince/businessmen as owners because others don't have the money needed to pay the price for a club of this magnitude. The current value of the club as I checked is about...
  3. We need to stop giving players so many chances

    TBH last season, when we lost Shaw for the rest of the season after the Southampton game, we came to realize that Shaw was a really integral part of the team. Brandon Williams was not able to perform on Shaw's level at all: no forward moving, safety passes, etc. On top of that he's right...
  4. Europa League Draw, Round of 32 - we got Real Sociedad

    I don't understand this either. We should knock them out even with Bruno not playing full minutes both games.
  5. Post match vs Manchester City

    I don't really want to defend Ole, I really think this is his peak level right now where we are: EL and 5-6th place in the league. He's unable to take us further. But if you want to evaluate José's and Moyes' current performance then you should take a wider period in time. For instance in the...
  6. How far off is this squad from a title challenge?

    Grealish almost exclusively plays on the left side and hardly ever goes over to the right. We're crowded on the left with Bruno, Rashford, Martial, on the other hand we have only AWB trying to do some attacks from the right. Grealish is not an answer to that problem.
  7. Would you sack or keep Ole? (Poll reopened)

    Those teams wanted to score against us. And we thought the same would happen to RBL yesterday. But this tactic was nullified after 2 minutes. We needed to score and should have changed the formation.