Recent content by martinhl

  1. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    The last people I saw that had fun with this game were Shankly and Clough.
  2. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    The mindset that created the problem cannot solve it. Thought for the day.
  3. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    One of the many millions of assets Sir Bobby Charlton had and Sir Jack Charlton had was their attitude to their fellow man.
  4. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Babble fellas, what you are so certain of isn't true.
  5. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    It has been fun. Luck with all.
  6. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    So where are we philosophically today. Is no one, one bit interested in my man for man marking solution. I am disappointed.
  7. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Did you lose any games or what was your toughest win. To Sunama. I am out of posts for today. No I have no agenda as you mention like that.
  8. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    That's a shame, I was looking for a psychotic breakdown that I could use for an analogy to the big team.
  9. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    How did it feel, winning losing games, all that stuff.
  10. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    My point about doing the same thing over and over again is that zonal defense does not work, man for man marking with a sweeper free is the only way to defend as a team, from that springs clearly observable individual achievements. Players lose their skill due to bad bosses and mostly never...
  11. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Manchester Utd , play wise, are the same thing over and over again and are expecting different results.
  12. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Just throwing this out for what it is worth. I am attempting to be successful at something which no doubt I have failed at before. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results moral. Could not see I was doing the above. Life and football ?
  13. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Let me ask you. How many of you here have played / play football.
  14. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    As said previously, zonal defence does not work, man for man marking with a sweeper free is the only way to defend as a team. And I am the only one that can do this.
  15. Will Ole last beyond his next 3 games?

    Apologies to foolsgold for "Rebuild" remark, am averse to criticism if wise, was drafting but it went !