Recent content by Rudie

  1. Transgender rights discussion

    You came in calling everyone a misogynist in an attempt to shut them down! If MEN having an opinion on this subject is off limits then what makes your opinion any less misogynistic? You didn't read the thread before commenting, it has been pointed out to people time and time again the reasons...
  2. Transgender rights discussion

    I think I've been extremely reasonable, maybe trolls shouldn't be allowed to run riot on the forums... Ban me, please, I wanted out of here weeks ago already.
  3. Transgender rights discussion

    I'm saying that it's a tactic used by TERFS to shutdown discussions where a guy tries to stick up for trans women. Yes.
  4. Transgender rights discussion

    I didn't think you would somehow...
  5. Transgender rights discussion

    Trans Women, you're missing the space there fella, might want to fill it with some from between your ears.
  6. Transgender rights discussion

    Hateful Women are quite rightly shutdown. The use of misogyny against guys speaking out against clear wrong doings, it's a way to shut them down and not give them a chance to speak up because, misogyny! ad nauseam... Do you not think trans Women gave misogyny too? Do you think you're not being...
  7. Transgender rights discussion

    No you used a classic TERF trope which attempts to shut down men from speaking up for trans Women, yet yourself not being a woman, trans or otherwise, gets to have a say? Nah, if you believe that trope then get out.
  8. Transgender rights discussion

    Looks like a troll, smells like a troll, says sexuality is a choice but doesn't really believe that just to flame like a troll. Text book troll.
  9. Transgender rights discussion

    So you literally came in to troll then, thought so.
  10. Transgender rights discussion

    No more odd than you claiming sexuality is a choice.
  11. Transgender rights discussion

    No she didn't, mutuals of hers and Rowlings did.
  12. Transgender rights discussion

    Let me tell you what is transphobic, I'm nowhere near the liberal end of trans people, I prefer to be more stealth than anything else. I reached out to the TERFs such as Maya Forstater, I even publicly backed Rowling and you want to know how they repaid me? They told me that my boyfriend must...
  13. Transgender rights discussion

    You ranted about acronyms and then ended it with IMO. Do you not see the irony? You also deflected conversation away from the real issue which tends to happen a lot when a minority being attacked is under discussion. TERF a phrase coined by Radical Feminists is completely apt and fair to use...
  14. Transgender rights discussion

    I see what you did there... Not sure if serious...
  15. Transgender rights discussion

    I think it was clear, he's bisexual so to him it is a choice, he swings both ways but is obviously frustrated by a lack of pegging lately so comes to troll the general forums as a way for release, he needs to fill his pegging quota and quick. Bless him. I think it's clear that he's heavily...