FAO 77


This one's for your da.

To the tune of "Because I was high"

We were top five in the prem but then we were S**t e
Were gonna qualify for Europe but we were S**t e
Now we can't win a game and we all know why (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

They said that we'd buy good players, but we bought S**t e
Could have bought Robert and Bellamy but we're too tight
(La da da da da da da da da)
But we bought Laslandes and I know why, (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e
(La da da da da da da da da)

The fans stopped turning up because we are S**t e
They knew monkey heed just couldn't get it right
Now the tickets are all free and I know why (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

Kevin Phillips was gonna stay before we were S**t e
But he left for London to help his England fight
Now they're bringing back Milton Nunez and I know why (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

Now we all hate Monkey Heed because he's S**t e
But we can't get him out of the St@dium of L*ght
(La da da da da da da da da)
Now I'm sure we're going down and I know why (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

The Toon are improving fast but we're still S**t e
They bought in class and now they've got it right
And now they're leaving us behind and I know why (why man?) howay?
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

There's only misery ahead because we're S**t e
No player, no fans, no hope and still no fight.
We'll soon be playing Hartlepool and I know why, yea heyy,
- because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e, because we are S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

I wish I wasn't a mackem cos its S**t e
I'm gonna move to the Toon and then get a life
But they won't even have me and I know why (why man?)howay?
- Cos I'm S**t e, cos I'm S**t e, cos I'm S**t e

(La da da da da da da da da)

I'll not stop singing this song because I'm S**t e
I haven't got a job and I'm messing up my life
-and if it don't get any better then I'll know why (why man?) howay?
- cos Mackems are S**t e, Mackems are S**t e, Mackems are S**t e.

La da da da da da, La da da da.

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />



urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
Ahh that famous Geordie humour, gets me everytime :rolleyes: <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" />


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
It may be Grim up North, but in Geordieland it's Grim²


Originally posted by 77:
<strong>Ahh that famous Geordie humour, gets me everytime :rolleyes: <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

That's the wittiest comeback you can come up with? Who are you and what have you done with 77? Where's the barrage of rapier-like put-downs I had hoped for...

Sasquatch shagger. ;)


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
Originally posted by geordie1:

Sasquatch shagger. ;) </strong><hr></blockquote>

Fat Geordie slappa shagger ;)