How good was Bryan Robson?


Full Member
Feb 27, 2014
I've given my thoughts on a few of these threads recently, Ince, Irwin, Giggs.. I feel like I want to know more about another club legend... Bryan Robson.

He left Utd in 1994 and that's when I really got into football and utd. Ive never seen him play or at least I don't remember watching him play ever, only clips and highlights. He played a few seasons with Boro, but his United years were before my time.

My dad goes on about him, his favourite player ever closely followed by cantona and he suggests he was a dynamic midfielder got forward and back, but I'd like some other fan opinion. Honestly appreciated, thanks
From what I’ve read (too young to see him at his prime in the 80s), he was a bit like our Steven Gerrard in that he was a standout talisman who probably should have won more than he should have, stuck in an inconsistent ‘could beat anyone and lose to anyone’ team who were good at cup runs, like 2000s Liverpool.

At least in the twilight of his career he got some major honours worthy of his abilities.
The definition of a box to box midfielder for me. Hell of a goalscorer arriving at the right moment but also well capable of scoring from distance.

Captain Marvel he was an inspirational leader as well. Great passer with great vision and control.

His only weakness was his body he picked up too many injuries but much of that was flying into tackles and landing badly.

He really could do everything from midfield.

Think Keane but with more goals. Absolute monster of a player.

You want an example of just how great he was? Steven Gerrard said:

"A mate of mine owned this Robson top, the old blue-and-white one with dashes on it.

We were kicking about on Ironside [the appropriately named road he grew up on] and I asked him whether I could be Robson for a while.

“I slipped out of my Liverpool shirt, and put the Robson one on.

It felt fantastic.

“I wore it for an hour, charging all over, flying into tackles, scoring brave goals, pretending I was Robson.

“Because the shirt had Robson’s name on it, I forgot about the United bit.

I didn’t seem like treachery to Liverpool, more homage to an England god."

That's how much he meant to every England fan of my age. It didn't matter who you supported, Robson transcended rivalry.

My all time favourite United player, and still makes my all time United 11. Midfield is Robson, Charlton, and then either Keane or Scholes, he was better than both.
Think Keane but with more goals. Absolute monster of a player.

You want an example of just how great he was? Steven Gerrard said:

"A mate of mine owned this Robson top, the old blue-and-white one with dashes on it.

We were kicking about on Ironside [the appropriately named road he grew up on] and I asked him whether I could be Robson for a while.

“I slipped out of my Liverpool shirt, and put the Robson one on.

It felt fantastic.

“I wore it for an hour, charging all over, flying into tackles, scoring brave goals, pretending I was Robson.

“Because the shirt had Robson’s name on it, I forgot about the United bit.

I didn’t seem like treachery to Liverpool, more homage to an England god."

That's how much he meant to every England fan of my age. It didn't matter who you supported, Robson transcended rivalry.

My all time favourite United player, and still makes my all time United 11. Midfield is Robson, Charlton, and then either Keane or Scholes, he was better than both.
Wow never read this before, thanks
Additionally, Gazza, who you would imagine would have grown up idolising someone like Keegan as a Geordie, said:

"I'm in awe with him. He's my idol, always will be. I just love him in general, I always will do. Forget about Maradona, Pele... the gaffer's always been my best player ever seen. If I had a bit of Bryan Robson inside of us, in the player I was, I would have been untouchable."
One of the best midfield talents we've ever had. Shame his injuries really set him back. I'd say he'd be a £100m plus player in today's market. Dragged our team up in the darker times, our Captain Marvel!
Favourite player as a kid in the 80s. He had everything but injuries ruined him at key moments/tournaments

Still have his autograph written on a beer mat from the early 90s
And finally, "Robson was voted in August 2011 as the greatest ever Manchester United player in a poll of the club's former players as part of a book, 19, released to celebrate the club's record-breaking 19th league title."

So not just any old people online. Former players had him above Ronaldo, Keane, Scholes, Giggs, Cantona, even Best, and even Sir Bobby.

The greatest.
Legend, I was lucky enough to watch him regularly in the 80s growing up, everything you'd want in a midfielder, scored goals, brave an inspirational leader.

I remember Giggs saying when he first broke into the team, Notts County away I think it was, the full back was hammering Giggs at any opportunity, Robson seen this and said to Giggs swop with me for 10 minutes, it's fair to say Giggs had an easier afternoon after that.
Easily UTD's best player of the 1980s despite his injuries & in his prime twice as good as Rice & Arsenal paid £100m for Rice last summer (for the record for any Arsenal fans reading this or old timers, when I say Rice, I don't mean Pat Rice). :lol:
Legend, I was lucky enough to watch him regularly in the 80s growing up, everything you'd want in a midfielder, scored goals, brave an inspirational leader.

I remember Giggs saying when he first broke into the team, Notts County away I think it was, the full back was hammering Giggs at any opportunity, Robson seen this and said to Giggs swop with me for 10 minutes, it's fair to say Giggs had an easier afternoon after that.

That's class in fairness, you see some cnut bullying a young a lad and it's only right to sort them out on their behalf.

I only caught the tail end of Robson's career, he was still brilliant, but not as good as what he was and didn't play as much. You could see how much lifting that first league title with Utd meant to him. Thoroughly deserved that extra bit of success towards the end of his time at Utd.
Compared to what we have today Robbo was by far, light years in fact, a better player. He could have out played, out run and out worked any of those prima donnas we saw against Brentford.
He was fecking brilliant. Skillful, brave, two footed, great in the air, box to box all game long, worked his arse off, gave everything he had, led from the front. Probably one of our very best ever captains.
That's class in fairness, you see some cnut bullying a young a lad and it's only right to sort them out on their behalf.

I only caught the tail end of Robson's career, he was still brilliant, but not as good as what he was and didn't play as much. You could see how much lifting that first league title with Utd meant to him. Thoroughly deserved that extra bit of success towards the end of his time at Utd.
I was actually at that Notts County away game 1992 I think we drew 1-1, and I do remember Giggs getting kicked mercilessly in the first half, it featured in FHM magazine as one of the top 10 ticket stubs as Utd absolutely took over the ground, so actually having a ticket(I did) became a bit of a myth!!
A fabulous player who could do pretty much everything.

His injury record was such that he wasn’t the sort of player you could build a team round, as Atkinson tried to do. That said, whenever he returned from injury he was immediately up to speed, unlike Wilkins who took ages to get back in form.
Much more dynamic than Keane and a better all round player.

Played 568 games for club and 90 times for England yet still regarded as injury-prone, because when they came they were always severe, and always seemed to come at a crucial time for country or club. Sadly many people most associate him with the injuries, particularly England fans.

Might have liked a pint or two.
My favourite player as a kid, still my favourite player today. Captain Marvel. He carried us and the country for years. When he was injured, we capitulated. The complete midfielder. I was gutted when I made my OT debut I thought he’d had a mad perm and looked a little slow! Then my dad told me number 7 was Mark Dempsey. Thankfully, got to see the man play for years after.

God bless Robbo.
Loved Robbo! He was at the heart of everything we did when he played for us. He had more passion and heart than the sum of all of our current team.
Probably would have been recognised as an all-time great had he played in better United teams under better managers at his peak. He was like a blend of Keane and Scholes.
My footballing memory goes back to the 1985 FA Cup final against Everton, back then we were basically a cup team but in a one off game we were a match for either Liverpool or Everton.

I was only young but my Grandad, who was a massive United fan and the reason I became one, danced around the front room when we’d won the cup and the love he had for Robson was incredible.

My Grandad grew up on ‘The Busby Babe’s’ through Munich to the European Cup in 1968 and as much as he loved Bobby Charlton (not so much George Best as my Nan apparently used to say she’d happily leave him for George Best) he always said that Robson was THE BEST player United have ever had.

As I’ve said on here a few times we went to the FA Cup final in 1990 which was my first United match and was actually refereed by a mate of my Grandad’s, the replay was on a school night so couldn’t go but our house erupted when Lee Martin scored and my Grandad said no one deserves that trophy more than Robbo did as at times he was effectively a one man team in the same way Gerrard was for the dippers.

If anyone hasn’t seen the career documentary on Robson I’d recommend it as it’s a great watch and shows just how humble he was even though he was a top 5 player in the world for practically all of the 80’s and arguably the best midfielder in the world through that time.
Bryan Robson really was a top, top, player. I loved him.He gave his all when he had the shirt on for the shirt and he expected everyone else to do no less. A true leader as well as being a great player.
My favourite Robson goal ( tough choice) was the equaliser against Liverpool in the 85 FA Cup semi replay.
That said it would be a coin toss between him and Keane for centre midfield in my dream team.
But a great, great footballer he was.
Robbo would easily, and I mean that literally, be the top player in the PL right now. And I’m not overlooking Kevin De Bruyne, who although great is no Bryan Robson. At peak would make the all world XI today.
I honestly think had Robson been fit for World Cup 1986, we would not have lost to Argentina.

The only other comparison I would make with Bryan Robson is Lothar Matthäus, he was that good.
I honestly think had Robson been fit for World Cup 1986, we would not have lost to Argentina.

The only other comparison I would make with Bryan Robson is Lothar Matthäus, he was that good.
Maradona would never have scored that 'wonder' goal if he'd been on the pitch, if he'd been fit I think England would have won that world cup
The only flaw in Robson's game was his injury record.
Other than that he was probably the perfect midfielder.
Certainly the best I have ever seen playing for United in 40 years of supporting the club.
An absolute legend definitely the best United player post trinity the glue that held the Atkinson team together but for his injuries united could have had a league title in the 83/84 season
World class no doubt

better than Keano due to his goal scoring record

Only injuries and playing in a United team that didn't win much hold him back from being on the lists of all time greats
Robbo was my favorite player for many years.

We could do with a Robson or Keane clone. The sort of players who dragged others with them. The sort ofbplayers that made a team more than the sum of bits parts.

I think this match best sums up how good Robbo was and the best atmosphere in any match I've been to at OT in 50 years of supporting - 10/10 performance like Keane v Juventus !
He just had everything you wanted in a "box to box" midfielder with a captain's armband - goal scorer and could play DM as well as anyone in the game.
Injuries impacted on his overall effectiveness and this was never so clear when we won the first 10 matches in 85/86 until Robson dislocated his shoulder and we fell away badly when he was out - liked a drink which probably didn't help....
Picking the strongest team ever for Utd you would start with him, make him captain and pick the rest from there - I never saw Duncan Edwards but he would be the only one to compare with Robbo but sadly never had the chance to prove over a longer period.
Top class , other than his injury record he was everything you would want in a midfielder.
Robson was simply outstanding in a largely bang average team.
I also thought he'd become a top manager after a decent start with Boro and would be a shoo in to take over from Ferguson.
I don’t think the Atkinson team was remotely “bang average”. At its best it could compete at the top level while playing great football.

Its problem was its inconsistency, which was almost entirely a result of so many of its key players being horribly injury-prone. Robson of course, but Whiteside, Moses and McGrath also.
As my name suggests, I’m a fan. But then I saw hIm live hundreds of times, home and away. My first hero was Buchan but once I saw Robson, that changed and he was, is and always will be my football hero.

Keane was one of the best midfielders I’ve ever seen in this country and the best compliment I can pay him is he’s the closest I’ve seen to Robson. Just not quite as good.

Robson was a midfielder, a defender, a forward, a captain, a God to my generation.

Think Keane but with more goals. Absolute monster of a player.

My all time favourite United player, and still makes my all time United 11. Midfield is Robson, Charlton, and then either Keane or Scholes, he was better than both.
He was fecking brilliant. Skillful, brave, two footed, great in the air, box to box all game long, worked his arse off, gave everything he had, led from the front. Probably one of our very best ever captains.
All of this ⬆️ and his heading ability (offence and defence) is sometimes forgotten?
Much more dynamic than Keane and a better all round player.

Played 568 games for club and 90 times for England yet still regarded as injury-prone, because when they came they were always severe, and always seemed to come at a crucial time for country or club. Sadly many people most associate him with the injuries, particularly England fans.

Might have liked a pint or two.
Funny how some focus on his injury record? I just remember games like the Liverpool semis (and loads of others) when he dragged an ok/decent team to unexpected victories again and again and again.

The Barcelona match was ridiculous… he might as well have had a fecking superhero cape on.
My footballing memory goes back to the 1985 FA Cup final against Everton, back then we were basically a cup team but in a one off game we were a match for either Liverpool or Everton.

I was only young but my Grandad, who was a massive United fan and the reason I became one, danced around the front room when we’d won the cup and the love he had for Robson was incredible.
I went to that (hence my tagline). To be fair, the entire team stood up that day… helps having good players with top mentality. Players like Robson, Hughes, Whiteside, etc didn’t know anything else apart from 100% “committment”
Robbo would easily, and I mean that literally, be the top player in the PL right now. And I’m not overlooking Kevin De Bruyne, who although great is no Bryan Robson. At peak would make the all world XI today.
Imagine him in a TOP team? He’d still stand out…
I honestly think had Robson been fit for World Cup 1986, we would not have lost to Argentina.

The only other comparison I would make with Bryan Robson is Lothar Matthäus, he was that good.
That’s a good shout.
I don’t think the Atkinson team was remotely “bang average”. At its best it could compete at the top level while playing great football.

Its problem was its inconsistency, which was almost entirely a result of so many of its key players being horribly injury-prone. Robson of course, but Whiteside, Moses and McGrath also.
Moses Robson Wilkins Muhren was some midfield when all on it though? :)
Moses Robson Wilkins Muhren was some midfield when all on it though? :)

Plus Gary Bailey in goal, Jesper Olsen, Arthur Albiston, and the famous Ashley Grimes.

I was there on the day we signed Robbo. It was different to say the least having a signing session on the pitch. I remember the pundits and in particular Desmond Lynam grilling Ron about the size of the fee. What a joke. What would he be worth at today's prices?
Plus Gary Bailey in goal, Jesper Olsen, Arthur Albiston, and the famous Ashley Grimes.

I was there on the day we signed Robbo. It was different to say the least having a signing session on the pitch. I remember the pundits and in particular Desmond Lynam grilling Ron about the size of the fee. What a joke. What would he be worth at today's prices?
On some crap table like in a school canteen. Class.

An absolute bargain. City paid almost that for Daley and he was awful :lol:

I liked Bailey… until he let that cross go over him for the curly haired tw@t to win the Cup Final for Arsenal… ON MY FECKING BIRTHDAY! (I’m almost over it now).