Is Ten Hag after the sack?

Great. Another thread about ETH and being sacked.
Yeah he's definitely dragging his own reputation through the mud and ruining his chances of getting more big jobs in the future for a nice payout ffs
The true art of management is in knowing when its time to get out, in any given situation, and for football managers it requires a skill set all of its own.

ETH may now be approaching that point, as he is increasingly unable to manage upward because of the uncertainty above him and has lesser influence managing downwards, as his injury list seems to grow by the day, as do the malcontents in his squad. It would seem he is left with few players who will run their socks off, but that is it and a few youngsters, who once the initial 'no fear' element in their experience disappears and they realise they still have a lot to learn, they are left as boys being asked to do a mans job!

'Wadding' around in the PL mid-table for the rest of the season, may not get him sacked immediately, but should the second half of the season go badly and (heaven forbid) a relegation battle threatens, then things become ominous, with shades of 1974 arising and Erik must then know its time to stop digging and get out of the hole.
Why would he be after the sack? He'd just walk, not like the guy needs the money in the slightest coming from a wealthy family.

If he wanted out he'd look better walking and explaining why, than sabotaging himself for the sack.

A daft post creating another daft thread.
My experience with the Dutchies is the same, they're stubborn as feck and they're quite direct, which won't work with these soft ass millennial players.

There's also the other issue at hand, this payout would be worth more than he made in his entire career, which should have been a worry from the start.

That type of claim is so strange. Not only because the managers that have been successful in the past 15-20 years are not really nice and cuddling but also because the players that have been successful didn't magically drop of different generation. Also stubborn managers are never successful simply because they are not working in a vaccum, their peers will study their work as they do for everyone and try to negate their work. The ones that can adapt and outsmart their peers have success and the stubborn or less skilled ones lose their jobs.
Frankly, I don't think Ten Hag has the personality to manage a group of players like we have. He doesn't even come across as your average cosmopolitan Dutchman, rather a farmer type whose bluntness might work in his own country or with a minor German team, but not in the Premier League.
That ‘s exactly the type of criticism he got at Ajax, until he shut them all up.

The last thing we need is an insincere manager. You don’t fix a broken team by ignoring the blatant issues.

All the top managers are hard as nails, you have to be.
Nah, he just doesnt know how to fix the problem, which was evident against Lens in the pre-season game.
But when the problem is that one CDM doesn’t work, it’s an easy fix - just switch to a double pivot. It doesn’t require being a genius to capture this simple idea.