Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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The transcript, with respect, is not conclusive of anything. It's out of context and is a single piece of evidence out of many. That's why we have courts of law. Hearing it sounds unpleasant yes. But that's why it's so important to have a fair hearing which he's not had - the emotive effect a transcript and audio file like that can give a false impression of guilt.

He's not had a hearing because the victim - who is his partner - withdrew from the case. A court of law has not cleared him of his actions in that transcript because it hasn't had the opportunity to.

If you read the transcript, see the video, see the pictures and still think "Nobody should judge him based on that" then that is incredibly unrealistc.
For me, this whole issue boils down to a simple question of whether, as a society, we want to respect the rulings of our legal system or not.

The simple fact of the matter is that our judicial process ended with the determination that Mason Greenwood need not even stand trial. Therefore, we must treat him as an innocent man.

Ultimately, if the “evidence” that was publicly available was sufficient in and of itself, then Mason Greenwood would be in prison.

We are perfectly entitled to critique the way our justice system works in order to iteratively improve its inevitable flaws, but we can never disregard its rulings and sentence people by mob rule.

Don't bother mate.
Cancel culture was always going to win out in the end. Best for him to get a fresh start abroad.
The statement really isn't clear on if this is him leaving on loan or permanently. Sounds more like it'll be like a loan on first and the idea of him returning isn't over.
I have to applaud UTD. Not many corporations would do this. Greenwood is easily the most talented player in the club. He could go on to a Madrid or Barcelona and become a future ballon d'or winner. This decision cost UTD a super talented player and possibly millions. Whether you think he's guilty or not, or you have criticisms on how UTD got to the decision, you can't deny that UTD this was the costlier option in the long run.
On Greenwood, what was released on social media was released. I don't think his guilt or innocence can be discussed online or in forums in a healthy way. Its fair to discuss what the decision cost and meant for UTD and how they got there. But I'd avoid the innocence talk as we see from social media its pretty dark. In the end I support UTD decision. Wish well for Mason's GF . I think Mason footballing wise will be fine if he stays focused. And all you can is that its a learning experience for him.
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Are people defending him in here just forgetting that we've all heard that recording or...?
The recording isn’t really proof of anything. Also could easily be explained in a number of different ways. Without being those two people you don’t know and without other facts you can’t make a reasonable conclusive judgement.
For what it's worth, it's also way better for Greenwood himself and his family that he plays football in a different country.

Legally there is absolutely no way they can do this.
Actually, they fecking can. He was legally proven innocent so there isn't anything "legal" about it.

The club statement just says "we know he's innocent but we bent over to sponsors/the girls team and to everything related to MG that can hurt our precious little club".

We didn't do the same to Cantona or Ronnie.
Funny how they say he's been with us sine the age of 7, when he was scoring he was one of us and we cheered

One mistake, then it's cut him away we don't need his sort at the club

Where's our culpability for how he has turned out?

But hey some people can sleep well tonight because we a very upstanding club with impeccable moral values.

Laughable and sad really
A club that masters in leaks would have most definitely let leak information that would have helped Greenwood's case, if they had it. I just refuse to believe the club and the player both have this wider context to the clips and are sitting on it, knowing that it can actually clear the player or dilute the original charges and the audio clip.
Think the start of this season has finally done it for me with sport to be honest.

Just don't have the energy to fight / cope with the double standards season after season. The fact that other clubs are still playing players accused of the same thing - one helping a club beat us in our last match - while we're 'forced' into this decision; The reaction to the potential ownership sale while it's fine for Newcastle and City to benefit from it; The usual OTT reaction to the Wolves 'penalty' and the usual silence of ours v Spurs, etc...

And the fact it's all just going to carry on and on all the time, making things as deliberately hard as possible for us as a club. And, to be quite honest, I've had enough of that and so much more other things.

It's been building for a while with the hits just keeping on coming so there's no over reaction to any one incident - but eventually there's the straw that breaks the camels back and the many hits over the summer and the start of this season have finally done that.

Going to do all I can from now on to distance myself from it all, so won't be posting anymore.
Because quite obviously it would have implications to this relationship and mother of his child

Surely it would be in best interest to debunk it for the sake of the child. I don't even know how photos of that nature could even be discounted. Fake blood, bruises? What are the details here.
Ta ra. Glazers out!
The same fans that are cheering this decision are also wanting us bought by a regime that systemically abuses women!!!!

That is when I will consider my future as a United fan...
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A case being dropped doesn't mean that the alleged perpetrator is cleared or that justice determined that he didn't commit the alleged actions. I said it in the Mendy thread and apparently it needs to be said again since some of the quotes are misleading.
First bit of good news from the club in a while. It will take a while to move past the idea that they had been planning to bring him back but similar to the Super League it is good to see that our voices can be heard to some degree.

I can't say I wish him all the best but I hope that he seeks help and it takes for the best of everyone involved.
Wasnt left last -- I bet ETH was counting on him being back. But the news article in the Athletic stirred stuff up before United could do some of their media work to help ease him back into the squad. They would have done an interview, and other media activities to soften the landing.

Even if they did do the interview it would have probably been with MUTV who are hardly known for their top class interviewers. Would have been a soft interview with questions prepared and answers all rehearsed
Correct decision. I think he was a generational talent, but he fecked up what could have been a really great career big time. We’ll never know now.
fecking hell.

There’s images and video of him sexually assaulting a woman and as a result he’s been let go from the club. Thank feck for that and thank feck you’re nowhere near the decision.
Nah. You don’t have all the facts, but don’t let that stop you.
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Are people defending him in here just forgetting that we've all heard that recording or...?
They've not forgotten, they just don't care. Some people on here would have Putin up front if he could score 30 goals a season.
He's not had a hearing because the victim - who is his partner - withdrew from the case. A court of law has not cleared him of his actions in that transcript because it hasn't had the opportunity to.

If you read the transcript, see the video, see the pictures and still think "Nobody should judge him based on that" then that is incredibly unrealistc.

CPS doesn't need a victim to prosecute someone. It certainly helps though!
Right decision, even if the statement is kind of wishy-washy. I understand the club can't really condemn something that wasn't 'official', so it makes sense in the way all corporate statements do. I'm glad the club has spared me the mixed feelings I'd have anytime he'd score a goal. I wish his family best of luck so that they are able to move forward from this debacle and I wish Mason learns to be better.
If that recording was a regular Joe and not someone rich and famous there's little doubt in my mind they'd have been in prison a year ago.

He can consider himself a very lucky boy he hasn't got a criminal record and should just take his medicine and slither off abroad somewhere.

He will not be missed.
Do you think if there’s evidence of abusing women and you admit to making mistakes you should be able to carry on your life as usual?
The evidence isn’t sufficient to make an accurate and objective decision. Stop being true to your username.
"Although we have decided that Mason will seek to rebuild his career away from Manchester United, that does not signal the end of this matter".

Part of the open letter to fans received by e-mail.
Wonder what that means?
It means this. The last sentence was missed off:

Although we have decided that Mason will seek to rebuild his career away from Manchester United, that does not signal the end of this matter. The club will continue to offer its support both to the alleged victim and Mason to help them rebuild and move forward positively with their lives.
Justice has been served! The victim and her child will probably be most pleased with this decision.
No Mason, you weren't cleared of all charges...

Quite. Given that statement will have been carefully worded, it is clear they intentionally phrased it (incorrectly) that way to bend the minds of those wavering on him. Disgusting.
Funny how they say he's been with us sine the age of 7, when he was scoring he was one of us and we cheered

One mistake, then it's cut him away we don't need his sort at the club

Where's our culpability for how he has turned out?

But hey some people can sleep well tonight because we a very upstanding club with impeccable moral values.

Laughable and sad really

I know. fecking joke. You fire someone for one mistake. Antony failed to take on someone against Tottenham - he’s still here.

Martinez scores an own goal - one mistake - nothing!

Mason has audio/video evidence of him battering a woman and the WOKES come out. Cancel culture gone mad.
A case being dropped doesn't mean that the alleged perpetrator is cleared or that justice determined that he didn't commit the alleged actions. I said it in the Mendy thread and apparently it needs to be said again since some of the quotes are misleading.

Yes I agree or in this case, the statement from the witness was withdrawn I believe so there was no chance of a conviction according to prosecutors.
I'm really not sure what your point is. Crafton primarily covers United, so it's not surprising he's been over this story and it won't be surprising if he doesn't cover MG when it involves another club.
Athletic employ Craftons for other clubs, no? Wonder how many specials they’ll be running for his return elsewhere. Crafton doesn’t operate in a silo.
The right decision was reached in the end and, based on polling on this forum and other United forums and publications, it is a decision that is supported by the majority of United fans. Time to move on.
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