Premier League Gameweek 38

Yep. We're just lucky we don't know how these relegation scraps feel. Going down would be devastating, there's no guarantee you are ever coming back up.
Look at Southampton having to make club wise cuts and redundancies. Relegation can be devastating for the clubs and the cities. Staying up is a huge achievement after a bad season.
We finished 8 points ahead of the bastards that are Liverpool. Feck off Liverpool. Rot in hell :devil:
The Sean Dyche mask is getting brought out for mr and mrs Silentwitness’ annual sex party. thank feck for that!
At least there’s finally a good reason for her to wear that Sean Dyche mask, it seemed fairly random the last few years
Pitch invasion for narrowly escaping relegation is just comical.
Can I add a special feck off for Eddie Howe, you smug, Finding Nemo shark toothed, dressing room camera cnut.
Look at Southampton having to make club wise cuts and redundancies. Relegation can be devastating for the clubs and the cities. Staying up is a huge achievement after a bad season.
I think folks forget that a club is much more than the players and coaching staff. Normal people can and do lose their jobs when teams head down.
Have that Rebekah Vardy. Coleen Rooney sends her regards.
Are people here actually mocking Everton fans for celebrating staying up? feck me!
Why? Too little, too late and we fully deserve it.
Fair play. To think the final day disappointment, just 2-3 years ago was you guys missing out on CL football. At least your team has had a lot to celebrate.
Are people here actually mocking Everton fans for celebrating staying up? feck me!
Pat in the back, a handshake and get on with it. Big babies !
Palace finished above Chelsea….fecking hell they were in a relegation scrap a few months ago
At least we weren’t the lowest London team in the table.
Bloody hell, Frank Lampard has wreaked more havoc this season than Thanos.
One of these seasons Everton will be relegated with 4 games to spare and there will be no fancy last day escape.

That league season felt longer than the season interrupted by Covid.
Christ, is this your level now?

Yes, I’m a punch down kind of guy. Sometimes that’s EL teams. Sometimes that’s CL teams. This season is relegated teams.