Would you sell Jadon Sancho this summer? And do you think he will be sold?

If I were ETH I'd sell him this summer or loan him, which ever is feasible.
And I think he'll be out this summer.
Depends entirely on much we'd get for him. If it's £45m+ then I'd probably take it. Unless we know we're getting Kane, in which case I'd keep him.
He’s on such high wages relative to how he’s been playing that we’d struggle to offload him even for free, so no.
He's still young, I'd give him another season at least but not rely on him. Bring in some real talent for the wings and make him earn the spot.
He's been shite. I can't stand to watch him 'play' football. Cut our losses.
He's still young, I'd give him another season at least but not rely on him. Bring in some real talent for the wings and make him earn the spot.
He's 23 so not that young and this season has been his another season. Turned out quite similar to the first one and even though I had hopes for him you'd think 2 seasons are enough to prove your worth. Especially with the support he's been getting from the manager, fans etc.
Yes. He's got "lingard" vibes all round him. He'll be 29 and people will still be talking about giving him another shot. He's on what? 300k a week? Something like that? Thats not wait and see money. Thats youre the cream of the crop money. And so far, he's not shown it at all.
So yeah, two questions here. If you were in charge would you sell him? And do you think the club will sell him?

I'd sell him personally as I still think we could get a decent amount of money for him. I hope he proves me wrong, but if we keep him and he has another stinker (likely), he's going for peanuts the summer after.

Alas, I don't think the club will sell him.

He's going for peanuts if we sell him this season anyways.

Let's say I was done with him and wanted to get rid. I'd trust EtH to whip him up into decent shape after a full off-season and preseason regime. Get him to produce a good season. Then sell him for more.

But I'd hold off until next season at the earliest. Unless a high offer came in tomorrow, then yes drive him to the airport.
He looks seriously clueless at times. Nice assist tonight but just before that completely fluffed a counter not knowing what to do
But still, that’s a few games in a row now.
Today was good. Bournemouth wasn't great, he was the best of a bad bunch, but hardly anything to get excited about. I think sancho will go back to the norm than improve on this. I still think we should sell of we can get someone stupid to come in for him.
6/10 tonight for me. Yes the assist, but no speed as a winger and some of his decisions are awful. In fact the assist was a kop out. I did think he had a great opportunity to score. If that had ahave been Martial Rashford Garnacho Bruno or Antony they would have shot.
I don’t think we could get acceptable money for him. I am also not convinced he’s got what it takes to be a United player. But he was good tonight and in a dominant team he could be a very good player, he’s not lacking in ability. But he’s just not a player you want when it’s not going well.
I still believe Sancho would be better as a 10, I don’t think he’ll play ahead of Rashford or Garnacho on the left whilst Diallo should challenge Antony on the right whilst he who shall not be named may also be back next season.

If we’re to challenge on all fronts next season then we need a big squad packed with quality and Sancho’s main assets are that of a central attacking midfielder or advanced playmaker, he simply doesn’t have the pace to be a winger or inside forward.
I'd keep him for another season. That would give us Rashford, Sancho, Garnacho, Antony, Amad and possibly Pellistri as wing options and also considering Rashford will probably play some games up front.

I think we have much more pressing areas of the team to do both transfers out and in rather than Sancho and he showed last night there is a good player there if we can unlock him
I wonder if he is more suited as a no 10 TBH. His lack of pace is concerning for a winger.
The talent is there, everyone knows it.

He just needs a full preseason with ETH and maybe to lose a few pounds, he still looks puffy. Last night we saw some very pacey sprints from him, which we haven't seen for quite a while.

I think he gets another season but he really needs to start digging in.
I keep saying it, he is the best and most intelligent footballer we got. Yesterday he showed glimpses of what he could do. I don’t think selling is an option. If he can build on his strengths ten Hag won’t let him leave.
I never rated him highly but I’d like to see him given a chance with a striker like Kane.

Sancho arguably hasn’t got a chance here to play with a traditional striker during his time.

Kane is this hybrid traditional number 9/ False 9 - who can get the best out of both an inverted forward like Rashford but also utelise the wider creativity of a player like Sancho.
The one thing that really surprises me about him is his lack of acceleration. I thought he was a quick dribbler at Dortmund. He never gets past a defender with pace.

He’s also extremely slow to release the ball. He’s been a massive disappointment of a signing to be honest. I really hoped for more from him.
His confidence seems to vanish when he is in a killer position. More play like his contribution for the second goal would be welcome.
Nowhere near the level we all expected him to be but still time for him to come good. Next season crucial for him.
I'd keep him for another season. That would give us Rashford, Sancho, Garnacho, Antony, Amad and possibly Pellistri as wing options and also considering Rashford will probably play some games up front.

There's no real pace in any of those options. That's the issue Rashford is our only rapid player. It makes such a difference in the PL.

Out of all of those players the only ones worth keeping are Garnacho and possibly Amad. The rest should be upgraded.
6/10 tonight for me. Yes the assist, but no speed as a winger and some of his decisions are awful. In fact the assist was a kop out. I did think he had a great opportunity to score. If that had ahave been Martial Rashford Garnacho Bruno or Antony they would have shot.
You're criticising him for an assist? If he'd shot and missed it you'd have given him hell anyway. He should have had about 4 assists last night and they weren't all easy passes. He made the ball across to Garnacho look so easy, but it was perfectly weighted to beat two defenders and still reach him.

I'm certain that he'll be better next season with a proper number 9 to feed. He also seems a lot better on the right which is why I thought we signed him in the first place. He's more about creating than scoring himself and that extra split second he has to take cutting back onto his right foot makes all the difference in letting the opposition defence reset. It's not like he has anyone to aim for in the box if he wants to put a cross in anyway.

He hasn't set the world on fire in general, but at least give him credit when he plays well.
I'd rather keep him at least until we know whether Antony will turn semi decent or a complete waste of money. Garnacho will probably end both of their careers here but I'd keep Sancho for now.
No, I would not sell him and don't think we will.

I actually like him as a player and think he fits well into the team. He can play left or right and as a number 10. People rightly mention a lack of pace and his industry is not as good as Bruno, but his versatility and ability to play in tight spaces are an asset.

I know I am going against the grain here, but I do think he can be an important player for us.
6/10 tonight for me. Yes the assist, but no speed as a winger and some of his decisions are awful. In fact the assist was a kop out. I did think he had a great opportunity to score. If that had ahave been Martial Rashford Garnacho Bruno or Antony they would have shot.

:wenger: I'm no fan of Sancho at all. Too lightweight and timid and I think he should go. But he made absolutely the right decision for the goal.
6/10 tonight for me. Yes the assist, but no speed as a winger and some of his decisions are awful. In fact the assist was a kop out. I did think he had a great opportunity to score. If that had ahave been Martial Rashford Garnacho Bruno or Antony they would have shot.
Shooting from positions where making a simple pass makes much more sense has been a problem for us for ages and you still wanted him shoot?
For mot of the season I've been in the 'sell' camp. He's shown flashes of his former self and early England days but not enough to keep him.

Then I watched the Chelsea game last night and thought, actually, maybe he's far better on the right and we should just forget this LW stuff and let Rashford and Garnacho occupy that. At times he showed a bit about him and you can see he's still got that x-factor in him, its just wether he can do it regularly. Its more about where his heads a lot of the time and self-belief.

Look at Rashford, he's been shjte for a few years, but suddenly he's had a great season. Same with Shaw, a few seasons ago he looked dire but he's now one of the players you put down straight away in the starting 11.

So I say, keep him another year, keep encouraging him, keep him on the RW and maybe change his game up a bit to reflect that. He could come into his own, but if he doesn't, then offload him next season.