The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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. I suppose it could always have been this way, but Trumps White House really is absurd and disgusting.

What gets me is that it is on a whole different level. Nearly every single law he has passed has been to allow the rich to get richer, and no doubt get him richer too. He's clearly breaking laws regarding his hotels and businesses and golf courses. He is literally scamming the country for every penny he can and he's laughing about it and convincing his base that he's on their side too. It's corruption on a completely different level than ever seen before.
I don't think you need to pray mate, I think it's a given. He's loving this battle and it's a pure win win for him. He's gaining massive attention and kudos for his replies.

That tweet now has a quarter of a million likes in 7 hours. :eek:
The dream is that Corker’s office record incoming calls and he releases a clip of Trump trying to persuade him to run under his backing.
The dream is that Corker’s office record incoming calls and he releases a clip of Trump trying to persuade him to run under his backing.

I think that would be illegal and the president should be using a more secure line that would prevent that kind of thing happening.
Go get him Corker....

In Tennessee, you can record a conversation with another person without that person's knowledge or consent, because Tennessee is a “one party” state in this matter.
Recorded by a 3rd party is illegal for sure. Not heard about this scenario being illegal though.
There are some special rules regarding the president IIRC. And those are federal law.
Federal law holds that, as long as there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, recording conversations is illegal, regardless of one or two party consent. There's a whole lot of grey area that encompasses what reasonable expectation is though.
Can we get a thread title change please? I don't think Presidency is appropriate at all. I mean, he's barely done anything presidential since he was elected. I think apocalypse or calamity are far more fitting.
The dream is that Corker’s office record incoming calls and he releases a clip of Trump trying to persuade him to run under his backing.
Give it to Wikileaks, see what side of the fence they are on.
Can we get a thread title change please? I don't think Presidency is appropriate at all. I mean, he's barely done anything presidential since he was elected. I think apocalypse or calamity are far more fitting.

Could we go for Bourne movie puns instead?

The Trump Sue-presidency
The Trump Identity|Anti Everything Obama Did
The Trump Ultimatum(To DPRK)
The Trump Legacy (here's hoping)
About the NRA. From the Dutch show that made America first, Holland second.

--Today, after Vice President Pence walked out of an NFL game in Indianapolis and President Trump tweeted about it, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the non-partisan organization and leading voice of the Post-9/11 generation of veterans, with over 400,000 members nationwide, unveiled the findings of the first and most comprehensive national poll of veterans and military personnel on the recent protests in the NFL. More than 8,000 veterans and servicemembers responded to this groundbreaking poll, which overall showed that opinions on the protests span the spectrum.--


All those people not running again are slowly developing to be a huge problem for the Republicans. Corkers seat (1st class Tenesse), while leaning red, is far from guaranteed. With the shimpanzees current approval ratings They might as well lose it.

The 2018 senate elections seemed like a sure thing for democrats (even offering the perspective of gaining a few seats, but now?...
Still, the democrats are seeking for 23 seats to be reelected, the republicans only 8. All democrats are incumbents though. The republican seats now include one retiring senator in a state that was once certain but could now be lost for 6 years. They are also running in Nevada and Arizona, which are a tossup currently.

Basically, this was a chance for the Republicans to gain back various democratic seats in republican leaning states. Having seats in states leaning towards the other party is the biggest asset you can have in the senate and gaining them back is usually your first priority if you have lost them. The huge number of democratic seats up for reelection now have been a result of the 2012 election, where the Democrats increased their lead in the senate at the expense of normally republican leaning seats like North Dakota, Montana, Missouri and Virginia.

As for the Alabama special election, they are even beginning to lose their lead there. In ALABAMA a democrat is in with a chance

No chance the Democrat is going to win that seat. Will be shocked if Moore doesn't win by at least 10-15%.
I don't know much about American politics but have a quick question for you: does the US have the ability for a vote of no confidence in President like the UK can do with the PM?
What gets me is that it is on a whole different level. Nearly every single law he has passed has been to allow the rich to get richer, and no doubt get him richer too. He's clearly breaking laws regarding his hotels and businesses and golf courses. He is literally scamming the country for every penny he can and he's laughing about it and convincing his base that he's on their side too. It's corruption on a completely different level than ever seen before.

Absolutely. It's like House of Cards, only more evil. He reminds me so much of a parody. If he could, I'm sure he'd lock up all journalists that report "fake" news, meaning everyone except Breitbart and Fox.
stand for the anthem - or sit out the game...
Trump will be happy!
Jerry Jones gives Cowboys players ultimatum: Stand for anthem or sit for game

Jones’ comments, the strongest made on the anthem controversy, came after he was asked about Vice President Mike Pence leaving the game in Indianapolis early after several San Francisco 49ers players took a knee during the national anthem.

"I know this, we cannot ... in the NFL in any way give the implication that we tolerate disrespecting the flag," he said following the Cowboys’ 35-31 loss to the Green Bay Packers. "We know that there is a serious debate in this country about those issues, but there is no question in my mind that the National Football League and the Dallas Cowboys are going to stand up for the flag. So we're clear."

Jones and the rest of the team knelt arm-in-arm before the national anthem before a game against the Arizona Cardinals two weeks ago, days after President Trump reignited the anthem-protest controversy.

Dallas players have stood on the sideline, many with hands over their hearts, during the anthem ever since former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started kneeling last season in protest of what he believed were instances of racial injustice in the U.S.

Jones said showing respect for the flag and the anthem is more important to him than any potential issues of team unity.

"There is no room here if it comes between looking non-supportive of our players and of each other or creating the impression that you're disrespecting the flag, we will be non-supportive of each other," Jones said. "We will not disrespect the flag."

Jones said he wasn't aware of whether any of his players had raised a fist at the end of the anthem before the Green Bay game.

"I don't know about that," Jones said. "But if there's anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. OK? Understand? If we are disrespecting the flag, then we won't play. Period."

Additionally, Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross said he changed his view on how his team should handle the national anthem. Ross said because Trump made standing for the national anthem about “patriotism,” he evolved the way he looks at the protest, according to the Miami Herald.

Ross now wants all of the Dolphins players to stand for the anthem. Three Dolphins players – Kenny Stills, Julian Thomas and Michael Thomas – remained off to the sideline during the anthem Sunday.

The NFL has said the game operations manual distributed to teams includes a reference to players standing for the anthem, but that it's a policy and not a rule. The league has said it doesn't plan to punish players over anthem protests.

"The league in mind should absolutely take the rules we've got on the books and make sure that we do not give the perception that we're disrespecting the flag," Jones said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
the polls had clinton in the whitehouse

Please skip that bullshit. Yes they had, and overall, they were as accurate as you could expect. If it wasn’t for the US election system, they would have been to the point.

It’s not the polls point of people are too dumb to read them properly. Nothing in the last 2 years supports the suggestion that there are major upsets possible which weren’t fully or partially predicted by polls before.
Maybe if Trump condemned racism this thing would be avoided. It's all down to him.

But that's the irony. If he does then he'll lose the redneck support that got him there. Painted himself in a corner, not that he gives a shit about black lives or the flag.
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