Jon Flanagan sentenced for domestic assault | Retired

If Liverpool don’t fire him for assaulting a woman, then it sums them up as a club.

Completely classless.
If Liverpool don’t fire him for assaulting a woman, then it sums them up as a club.

Completely classless.
They will definitely fire him. Unlike Alonso, he's not actually good enough to be worth keeping.
a laughably small amount of community service & some sort of behave or else Court directive would be my guess
prison and harsh treatment are for the poor. if you have money and lots of friends the law treats you with kid gloves. OJ Simpson anyone?
I really didn't know that Marcos Alonso story, over the drink driving limit, speeding at 70mph in a 30 and killed a young girl and all he got was a £50,000 fine?!?!
Marcos Alonso once killed somebody by driving three times faster than the speed limit while drunk.
Flanagan's career will continue on

Wow! I had no idea about this. The justice system is really poor.
I really didn't know that Marcos Alonso story, over the drink driving limit, speeding at 70mph in a 30 and killed a young girl and all he got was a £50,000 fine?!?!
It doesn't seem to be common knowledge at all, I only found out about it recently when someone mentioned it on here, perhaps when he signed for Chelsea. He's fully got away with that one.
OK, without really wanting to defend Flanagan, I'll throw in that if he hasn't hurt her (or she says he hasn't hurt her) & it's his first offence, then a jail sentence is very unlikely & what is the Court supposed to do? Nothing much has happened really, :(. Also if her evidence contains the suggestion that she was just as pissed as he was, it's all a bit 'domestic' except for being played out in public & reported upon (not relevant to the Court)

Doesn't mean he isn't a bad man who needs to have a word with himself & so on, but for application of the Law on the incident, it's all a bit of a non-violent, violent incident, if you see what I mean.

He was lucky I suppose.
They will definitely fire him. Unlike Alonso, he's not actually good enough to be worth keeping.
Or maybe they’ll print up t-shirts and wear them in training to support him. Can’t tell with that lot.
Bellend. I’ve never liked the cnut, don’t know why but now I do. Kickbable face.
Pretty surprised by this. It's incredibly easy for Liverpool as he's crap in addition to being a revolting piece of human garbage and they've still decided that he can play for the reserves.
Oh wow what a blast from the past. I remember some of my mates and your average Liverpool fan on social media back in 2013/14 absolutely lauding that guy as the next Cafu :lol:
He didn't need to put out a statement. What a waste of internet space.
Oh wow what a blast from the past. I remember some of my mates and your average Liverpool fan on social media back in 2013/14 absolutely lauding that guy as the next Cafu :lol:
That was always tongue in cheek. He was never more than an average player who surprised for a bit with the level he could pull off.