Gaming Caf Gamers Discord Channel


Honorary Straw Hat
Jan 10, 2011
Hello everyone, there's a caf gamers server running on Discord, it's mostly used by the Clash of Clans group, but here where things get interesting:

I found out today there's a general chat tab and a gaming chat tab after thinking for so long that it was exclusive to Clash of Clans players, it's not being utilized to it's fullest atm, we can use this to organize gaming sessions, have gaming related chats and stuff like that, huge potential for time wasting there.

We can also create channels based on the console, so Switch gamers ie would have a tab, PS4 gamers another tab, etc.

There's also the cross-play oppurtunities that Microsoft and Nintendo provide, Rocket League cross-play is releasing next week and I think there'll be interest in that and can be organized through discord way better.

I see huge potential in using a caf gamers discord and I would like to see if there are more people interested in this so we can work on organizing it better.

Invite link:


Full Member
Mar 19, 2009
Mazhar is Mazhar 13
I'm Scholesy
Most guys have their caf name on there.

Weren't you on it already with coc group?
Nope, didn't really know what it was, heard it mentioned but thought it was for a select few of elite coc players....