Newcastle United now owned by the PIF | PL receives "legally binding assurances that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not control NUFC" ;)

This is an extremely online take. In terms of buying a club for the purposes of sportswashings, having someone in your corner for twitter/forum slapfights isn't a main reason. I don't know that it's a reason at all, actually.

The whole point is generating broader societal acceptance and positive opinions through success and investment in the region; caring about online wars doesn't even register.
Social Media is the new battleground for setting majors agendas. We've had US Presidents and EU Referendums decided by them in recent years.

Investment in the region won't be a factor to anybody outside of the catchment area. That's far too parochial a reason for Saudi Arabia to invest in something from half a world away.
Social Media is the new battleground for setting majors agendas. We've had US Presidents and EU Referendums decided by them in recent years.

Investment in the region won't be a factor to anybody outside of the catchment area. That's far too parochial a reason for Saudi Arabia to invest in something from half a world away.
Online is a part of any modern strategy but hardly the "main reason" which was what I was contesting. Maybe in 10-15 years it's a dominant force of political change but there are way too many aged 50+ - a demographic who also vote in higher numbers than the youth it has to be said - who are influenced by TV and traditional media as opposed to online. Attempting to authoritatively state online as dominant at this time is a mistake of the younger generation because that's what we've grown up knowing.

And I listed investment after success. Top level success is the main driver of altering perception with sportswashing. If it wasn't they'd be in for Scunthorpe. I'd be shocked though if any (potential) revitalization in the north-east doesn't merit national attention.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Crown Pince:

Deputy Prime Minister:

Minister of Defence:

The Public Investment Fund, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia.

This is an extremely online take. In terms of buying a club for the purposes of sportswashings, having someone in your corner for twitter/forum slapfights isn't a main reason. I don't know that it's a reason at all, actually.

The whole point is generating broader societal acceptance and positive opinions through success and investment in the region; caring about online wars doesn't even register.

I think your overall point is fair, but disagree that online discussions aren't of interest to them. The Saudi Government has been known to use bots in order to challenge criticisms of the country and to promote a positive image. No doubt that isn't the main reason they purchased the club, but I am sure its something they are aware of.
When does the Bein deal run out? Surely the Saudis are picking up that tab at the earliest opportunity.
Saw some stories about the Saudis potentially buying Inter as well
They'll come up with some bullshit like they did with the two Redbull teams.

That raises a bunch of other issues then. Like, which one do they put more of their attention into? There’s only so many players to go around. Do they put an Mbappe in Newcastle, and then a Gabriel Jesus in Inter?

It seems like a great big mess trying to own two teams on that level. Not every single player is going to want to join their projects.
I don't understand why 19 PL teams complained about this take over, what exactly would be City's complaint? That only one team in league can be owned by state?
Apparently they're free to spend a billion over the next three years. Looks like City will be forever in United's shadow.
Although you have to ask yourself where will this end up? Will all our clubs end up being owned by oligarchs and nation states? Who'll be to get first billion quid player. And why does the OT roof continue leaking? It's becoming a morbid interest.
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Squeal for me piggy
Although you have to ask yourself were will this end up. Will all our clubs end up being owned by oligarchs and nation states? Who'll be to get first billion quid player. And why does the OT roof continue leaking? It's becoming a morbid interest.

It's the mystery of the magic Manchester waterfall, they should be charging £5 a pop to get in and see it.

Although you have to ask yourself where will this end up? Will all our clubs end up being owned by oligarchs and nation states? Who'll be to get first billion quid player. And why does the OT roof continue leaking? It's becoming a morbid interest.

PL opened the doors to this when they allowed Roman to buy Chelsea.Now it's too late to complain about foreign state ownership.

The solution was to adopt the 50+1 rule like Bundesliga, but that would lead to only 1 or 2 teams dominating the league(Man Utd and Liverpool), as the 50+ will result in lack of investment on teams that aren't considered big brands outside of UK.
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PL opened the doors to this when they allowed Roman to buy Chelsea.Now it's too late to complain about foreign state ownership.

The solution was to adopt the 50+1rule, but that would lead to only 1 or 2 teams dominating the league, as this will result in lack of investment on teams that aren't a big brand outside of UK.

I think football and the PL itself has become a victim of its success. I'm not sure much could've been done to halt it becoming a play thing for the world's richest. Eventually the shit was going to hit the fan regardless of measures.
PL opened the doors to this when they allowed Roman to buy Chelsea.Now it's too late to complain about foreign state ownership.

The solution was to adopt the 50+1rule, but that would lead to only 1 or 2 teams dominating the league, as this will result in lack of investment on teams that aren't a big brand outside of UK.

To be fair Roman is just a businessman/individual, but yeah they should have taken it as a wake-up call.

Although there's a case to be made that the PL obviously didn't do their due diligence into who was actually buying City. Right now officially it's Mansour even though we know it's really Abu Dhabi. But the guy who was supposed (or appeared) to be the new owner at first was this guy:


This is ''Dr'' Al Fahim, the guy who negotiated the City takeover and signed all the paperwork. But he doesn't own City and probably never did. He's a TV personality in the UAE, claims to have a PhD in Real estate (he doesn't) and is currently in jail for stealing £5m to buy Portsmouth. So going off this guy's record alone with buying City and Portsmouth it's clear the PL don't give a flying fiddlers feck who buys English football clubs.

Well as long as you're not doing something really morally reprehensible like pirating their coverage.
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This is ''Dr'' Al Fahim, the guy who negotiated the City takeover and signed all the paperwork. But he doesn't own City and probably never did. He's a TV personality in the UAE, claims to have a PhD in Real estate (he doesn't and is currently in jail for stealing £5m to buy Portsmouth. So going off this guy's record alone with buying City and Portsmouth it's clear the PL don't give a flying fiddlers feck who buys English football clubs.

This will change the landscape even further than the City and the Chelsea purchases. At least, City can proudly boast of the reason for their empty building. The few have gone up north to Newcastle.
I have 2 close friends who support Newcastle. They are over the moon that Ashley is out and they want rid of Bruce as well.

Obviously don’t care a hoot about those human rights abuse etc of the Saudis. Even quoted a Chelsea fan to back up that all other clubs are just bitter :lol:
I have 2 close friends who support Newcastle. They are over the moon that Ashley is out and they want rid of Bruce as well.

Obviously don’t care a hoot about those human rights abuse etc of the Saudis. Even quoted a Chelsea fan to back up that all other clubs are just bitter :lol:
The burden is not on Newcastle fans alone - NUFC accepting the bid was only half the equation, the PL approving them is the other half. Why is continuing to support this league any less a complicit acceptance of the Saudi abuses than being a Newcastle fan is? Will any of you be cancelling your Sky and season tickets in protest? Any pressure on your boards to mount a formal protest, e.g. forfeit all games until they're removed? Anything? It's cheap and easy to have a dig at Newcastle fans but I feel like people who really care could be doing more.
The burden is not on Newcastle fans alone - NUFC accepting the bid was only half the equation, the PL approving them is the other half. Why is continuing to support this league any less a complicit acceptance of the Saudi abuses than being a Newcastle fan is? Will any of you be cancelling your Sky and season tickets in protest? Any pressure on your boards to mount a formal protest, e.g. forfeit all games until they're removed? Anything? It's cheap and easy to have a dig at Newcastle fans but I feel like people who really care could be doing more.
So you want other fans to protest while Newcastle fans out there celebrating?
The burden is not on Newcastle fans alone - NUFC accepting the bid was only half the equation, the PL approving them is the other half. Why is continuing to support this league any less a complicit acceptance of the Saudi abuses than being a Newcastle fan is? Will any of you be cancelling your Sky and season tickets in protest? Any pressure on your boards to mount a formal protest, e.g. forfeit all games until they're removed? Anything? It's cheap and easy to have a dig at Newcastle fans but I feel like people who really care could be doing more.

I agree. A lot of hypocrisy and bitterness and selective outrage from people who have no problem continuing to support a league that countenanced this move, and many others that preceded it.

If people really have a problem, stop watching. Otherwise, the complaints and selective outrage are frivolous.
So you want other fans to protest while Newcastle fans out there celebrating?
It would certainly help and I promise you there are more Newcastle fans than me turning their backs on this. But we can't do it alone.
The burden is not on Newcastle fans alone - NUFC accepting the bid was only half the equation, the PL approving them is the other half. Why is continuing to support this league any less a complicit acceptance of the Saudi abuses than being a Newcastle fan is? Will any of you be cancelling your Sky and season tickets in protest? Any pressure on your boards to mount a formal protest, e.g. forfeit all games until they're removed? Anything? It's cheap and easy to have a dig at Newcastle fans but I feel like people who really care could be doing more.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Newcastle fans should give up their season tickets or stop supporting the club.

It's the dancing in the streets, dressing up like Arabs and waving Saudi flags that seem a bit much to many. I am putting the burden on everyone (not just Newcastle fans) not to do that.
I don't think anyone has suggested that Newcastle fans should give up their season tickets or stop supporting the club.
There have been a ton of statements and proclamations across social media heavily implying it if not directly stating it. I don't want to quibble about the semantics though. It's not entirely an incorrect sentiment regardless.

It's the dancing in the streets, dressing up like Arabs and waving Saudi flags that seem a bit much to many. I am putting the burden on everyone (not just Newcastle fans) not to do that.
The feeling of 14 years under Ashley is impossible to convey. I can forgive the dancing to celebrate that.The rest of it I 100% agree on. It'd be stupid for me to deny we have our share of idiots in the fanbase, possibly more than others, but we do always seem to only get our worst caught on camera. :lol: :lol:
we do always seem to only get our worst caught on camera. :lol: :lol:
The press never shows the reasoned responses. If there is a major event happening, they will find the one person everyone will collectively moan about being interviewed.
Interesting that PIF are briefing that they wont go on a Abu Dhabi / Abramovich spending spree initially. It will be a gradual change to the club over a period of years. They want to implement the lessons learnt from the wasted money that Abu Dhabi and Abramovich spent when they first bought their respective clubs.

Apparently PIF bought Newcastle rather than Man Utd or Spurs as Newcastle were much much cheaper to buy (£350mil rather than billions for Utd for example) and they think the wealth fund will get a better return on their investment.

Saudi want to increase the wealth fund to huge amounts and not piss it all down the drain on overpaying for players and agent fees.

I'm interested to see how much patience they have before doing a Abu Dhabi/ ambramoivich and going on a serious mental spending spree.
Interesting that PIF are briefing that they wont go on a Abu Dhabi / Abramovich spending spree initially. It will be a gradual change to the club over a period of years. They want to implement the lessons learnt from the wasted money that Abu Dhabi and Abramovich spent when they first bought their respective clubs.

Apparently PIF bought Newcastle rather than Man Utd or Spurs as Newcastle were much much cheaper to buy (£350mil rather than billions for Utd for example) and they think the wealth fund will get a better return on their investment.

Saudi want to increase the wealth fund to huge amounts and not piss it all down the drain on overpaying for players and agent fees.

I'm interested to see how much patience they have before doing a Abu Dhabi/ ambramoivich and going on a serious mental spending spree.
The moment City beats them and a couple of Emirati princes go on a gloating spree on social media.
Klopp does say it like it is on certain things, he doesn't hide which is admirable.

But he's still a bin dipping cnut

I don't necessarily disagree with the white text there...however, he does often speak well, or at least he speaks out, about these sorts of things. I thought he spoke quite well the other day regarding players not being vaccinated. Hurts to say it, but he is often the one talking about these sorts of issues when others shy away from it.