2022 US Elections


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
No chance. Harris won't win the nomination either, or they're in big trouble. I've no idea who else it's going to be, but it has to someone else.
I'd like to see Michelle Obama in the mix.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Has to be Newsom. His track record in CA (in a budget surplus), his ability to talk (from the little I've seen he seems to be almost Obama good with words) and his look is probably the most promising option short of the way to young at this point progressive dems. Harris just comes across unlikable like Hillary, plus she hasn't really done anything of note since grilling GOP members in front of congress during the early Trump years.
Newsom or Buttigieg


New Member
May 27, 2021
I'd like to see Michelle Obama in the mix.
Not happening unless she wins a gubernatorial or senatorial election first. Asking her to be a presidential candidate without building a proper political career of her own sounds like a banana republic (Trump's entrance into politics was already the stuff of banana republics). Regardless, she has not shown any interest to get back into that kind of life in politics.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Not happening unless she wins a gubernatorial or senatorial election first. Asking her to be a presidential candidate without building a proper political career of her own sounds like a banana republic (Trump's entrance into politics was already the stuff of banana republics). Regardless, she has not shown any interest to get back into that kind of life in politics.
TBH it would be Barry running the show through Michelle.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
She has said a billionity times she has zero interest in ever running for office.
I know, but i asked @devilish for her experience to be considered for the highest office of the most powerful country in the world. And i genuinely asking if she has any previous experience (at least minor) , bc i believe you do to be POTUS and not just bc you are the wife of


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
NO. Somebody posted a vid from right wing media saying they spread misinformation and I merely said the left wing media do this also but I was told it wasn't nearly the same level by people who have clearly been indoctrinated by it, which seems to be most in this thread. I have nearly a decade of receiving constant news from primarily left wing media sources so can confirm it too relies on fearmongering and misinfo as was in said video. Even the other day I saw these claims.

I quote "A historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there's still publishing houses and a free press which im not certain of, but if that is true a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably KILLED, we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away"

(On the midterms, Historian Michael Beschloss on MSNBC telling people that if you vote GOP and they win then your children will be arrested and possibly killed! On national TV this was stated. Given how people care so much for their children I see that as dangerous and irresponsible claim)

He also said if Joe Biden fails America loses its democracy and quoted imperial Japan, Hitler, Mussolini and Italian fascism, Civil War, and how in this midterm this could all happen extremely fast after the midterm. I guess this is why America needs guns too right, for protection from become just like fascist Europe?

Some other recent mild quotes
"Unfortunately this year, black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation," (Stacey Abrams)

"I think that Stacey is spot on with that," "I listen as my kids watch NBA highlights and whatever else they watch on YouTube. I hear the misinformation being piped in." ( Keisha Lance Bottoms)

"we need to talk about the demon of disinformation" is making "black male voters in Georgia willing to support Raphael Warnock but not Stacey Abrams."

(MSNBC this time regarding Ms Abrams lower turnout from black male voters. Nobody stated or identified specific falsehoods or misleading statements. Simply to claim African American men are less educated or don't understand politics as well as the African American women and are vulnerable.

One simply needs to engage better with the groups you are targeting or deliver on promises or what they care about. Never blame the audience. reality is black men have not seen a decrease in the number of Black men killed by police. Black men are still unemployed at 2 X rate of others, and those who are arrested still sit in jail even though they haven’t been proven guilty. This is a conscious choice from people who do not see politics addressing their key issues. But hey its because black men don't know shit according to the media!)

Today I'm going to watch a documentary about social media and its political polarization in America so I can stay fully woke with my tin foil hat on. I may even delete my twitter. Stay indoctrinated though. Peace!

Only have time to deal with one of these claims so it's going to be the bolded. With just focusing on a single issue, the GOP's abortion laws, the historian Beschloss' comment is factually true. The GOP is pushing laws across many of their controlled states to make it possible to arrest people for seeking an abortion and to force teenage girls to go through pregnancies that could be medically dangerous and result in them being killed. It might not have been the most elegant of speaking to this point but it is rooted in truth and facts of what the GOP has been trying to do. There are already cases out there with GOP-packed courts ruling that teenagers can't get abortions forcing them to go through with medically risky pregnancies.

Contrast this with the subtle way Tucker Carlson inserts and proselytizes Great Replacement stuff, and I don't think this comment comes even close to the insidiousness of pushing the idea that Democrats are trying to replace the white race. Carlson calls that "not conspiracy theory" but "election strategy" (paraphrasing a little there).

Just a sampling and many of these include other links about the GOP's abortion laws and you can check out the specific Abortion thread for more samples.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Evangelicals are squarely a political party, a voting bloc masquerading as a fairy tale flavor…



Full Member
Jan 26, 2019
With gerrymandering, it’s impact on the house is starting to slow down



Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
So they did their job and their customers liked it and came back for more? Sounds like capitalism Ted so why you big mad? What are you, a communist?



New Member
May 27, 2021
Hasan is big mad…

Hoes mad.

It is just nonsensical that a number of areas in the US don't have such free breakfast programs in schools yet. When I was in my elementary school days, the free breakfast program was already a thing with each classroom being allowed to receive a different type of food in the 1st class in every different morning (fruits, cereals, small cartons of milk, etc.) and that was like 3 decades ago.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2000
'tis a silly place
So republicans are just now realizing the generation of young Americans they’ve spent years alienating and demonizing are actually not afraid to turn out and vote and now they’re shit scared. I’m guessing a decent amount of the conservative base will die out in the next couple of election cycles and the youth aren’t gonna vote for the party that wants to abolish reproductive rights.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Democrats generally don't vote for candidates without political experience, so I doubt that's going to happen.
It's a shame as Michelle is the perfect anti trump


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Looking at r/Conservative, seems they hate trump just as much as we do.


CAF Pilib De Brún Translator
Nov 20, 2007
Swimming against a tide of idiots and spoofers
NO. Somebody posted a vid from right wing media saying they spread misinformation and I merely said the left wing media do this also but I was told it wasn't nearly the same level by people who have clearly been indoctrinated by it, which seems to be most in this thread. I have nearly a decade of receiving constant news from primarily left wing media sources so can confirm it too relies on fearmongering and misinfo as was in said video. Even the other day I saw these claims.

I quote "A historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there's still publishing houses and a free press which im not certain of, but if that is true a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably KILLED, we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away"

(On the midterms, Historian Michael Beschloss on MSNBC telling people that if you vote GOP and they win then your children will be arrested and possibly killed! On national TV this was stated. Given how people care so much for their children I see that as dangerous and irresponsible claim)

He also said if Joe Biden fails America loses its democracy and quoted imperial Japan, Hitler, Mussolini and Italian fascism, Civil War, and how in this midterm this could all happen extremely fast after the midterm. I guess this is why America needs guns too right, for protection from become just like fascist Europe?

Some other recent mild quotes
"Unfortunately this year, black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation," (Stacey Abrams)

"I think that Stacey is spot on with that," "I listen as my kids watch NBA highlights and whatever else they watch on YouTube. I hear the misinformation being piped in." ( Keisha Lance Bottoms)

"we need to talk about the demon of disinformation" is making "black male voters in Georgia willing to support Raphael Warnock but not Stacey Abrams."

(MSNBC this time regarding Ms Abrams lower turnout from black male voters. Nobody stated or identified specific falsehoods or misleading statements. Simply to claim African American men are less educated or don't understand politics as well as the African American women and are vulnerable.

One simply needs to engage better with the groups you are targeting or deliver on promises or what they care about. Never blame the audience. reality is black men have not seen a decrease in the number of Black men killed by police. Black men are still unemployed at 2 X rate of others, and those who are arrested still sit in jail even though they haven’t been proven guilty. This is a conscious choice from people who do not see politics addressing their key issues. But hey its because black men don't know shit according to the media!)

Today I'm going to watch a documentary about social media and its political polarization in America so I can stay fully woke with my tin foil hat on. I may even delete my twitter. Stay indoctrinated though. Peace!