Cristiano Ronaldo - Much Ado About Al Nassr


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
21/22 bells ringing again, team falls to bits in order to facilitate his ego.
I think it has more to do with they just brought In many new players and a new coach so you can tell the understanding isn't quite there yet.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
None of what Ronaldo does in Saudi matters, its his European career that people will look at
When judging him I agree only Europe matters. Whatever else he achieves in Saudi Arabia is just extra credit. Only interest I have of him in Saudi now is the possibility of him reaching 900 goals. Would be absolutely bonkers to do it.


New Member
Jul 23, 2023
Over the past year it is a problem whenever anything remotely positive is said about Ronaldo.

It's simply beyond strange and weird behavior.
United fans have every reason to dislike Ronaldo. He's an insufferable narcissist who disrespected our club and thinks he's better than every manager, and every player.

Expecting our fans to have any sort of admiration for Ronaldo at this point is the real strange take.


New Member
May 14, 2017
Telling people their weird for being upset at me calling him the Goat Is not being defensive about him being criticized. Want to know why? because thats not anyone criticizing him.

Thats people getting tilted over a comment on a forum about a player being called "goat".

Respectfully your point makes zero sense.
This is not a response to this post but more as a whole for your Cristiano's (maybe obsessive) following.
I think that might be because you were born in 96 (taking reference in your name) Then it means that when Cristiano broke through coincides with the time you were able to start understanding and remembering football which is 6 - 7 years old.
So now that your hero close to quitting football you think it will all be over, but don't worry, I'm a few years older so I remember football before he existed and I can tell you the game isn't compromised (jk). In fact I think the quality of football as a whole was higher in the 90s than after 00s but it's hard to compare between eras.
Messi and Cristiano have a lot of recency bias and stat padding I don't think in 50 years they will be remembered as 1 and 2 as in many people's lists (3rd and 7th in mine).

Now if you were born before 90s then you are a weirdo :lol:


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
This is not a response to this post but more as a whole for your Cristiano's (maybe obsessive) following.
I think that might be because you were born in 96 (taking reference in your name) Then it means that when Cristiano broke through coincides with the time you were able to start understanding and remembering football which is 6 - 7 years old.
So now that your hero close to quitting football you think it will all be over, but don't worry, I'm a few years older so I remember football before he existed and I can tell you the game isn't compromised (jk). In fact I think the quality of football as a whole was higher in the 90s than after 00s but it's hard to compare between eras.
Messi and Cristiano have a lot of recency bias and stat padding I don't think in 50 years they will be remembered as 1 and 2 as in many people's lists (3rd and 7th in mine).

Now if you were born before 90s then you are a weirdo :lol:

Maybe your right! I’ll quote this post in 50 years and let you know what people think ;)

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
The goat leads his team to victory... By scoring a penalty... That another player gained.

Black Adder

Rarer than an eclipse.
Jan 19, 2008
The GOAT scores again for Al Nassr in the semi final to lead them to their first ever Arab Champions Cup final.

4 goals in 5 games to start the season.

Despite how poor and underwhelming Al Nassr have been so far Ronaldo has been the difference maker. Also the top scorer of this competition now.

They will most likely face Al Hilal in the final and based on recent performances I think Al Hilal will win.
Forgot to add IMO.


Full Member
Mar 13, 2023
calling them "many normal fans" is a quite the reach.

Whichever way you try to spin it your simply 100% wrong in thinking it is wrong to call Ronaldo Messi Maradona or pele the goat. It literally happens everywhere on social media for the last 20 years whenever any of those four names are brought up. Go to a comment section on any of these guys YouTube compilations and tell me what you see.

What is more cringe is Ronaldo haters getting upset over calling Ronaldo the GOAT as well as spending their days trying to prove why he is not.

That comment has generated 8 replies already. You lot are strange, get a grip of yourselves. Your in a Ronaldo thread, if you don't like reading it then don't go click on the thread. Simple solution. because guess what? it will probably be said again and you want to know why? because he's in my opinion but arguably the greatest player this sport has ever seen.

Like I said, of you don't like it, stop coming to this thread.
I guess you didn't get what I was talking about...I was just ranting man, like I'm doing now, no pun intended at all

You've said:
"Based on many factors for me the GOAT is undoubtedly Ronaldo."

What I'm talking about has little to do with CR per se (thought he adds some salt with his constant self reference mode, nothing new BTW, not the first player that have done it).
And has more to do with any legendary player toxic fan or even if not toxic (like you, at least from what I've read great football related posts mostly about youngsters and such, do not seem to fill that form).

In my opinion what triggers many people sometimes to troll CR (or any other, but it feels more with him) and consequently annoys CR fans when people troll their favorite player it's statements like that one, BTW I'm not implying that you are trolling or being insincere.

But I trully think that If there is sthg that should BE, or even MUST BE in any comparison among players is DOUBT, it doesn't exist written in stone factors that can be used to determine a certain player it's undoubtedly THE GOAT, more when we are talking about players from so many different periods, different personal circumnstances in their carreers and a large etc.
What it's more mature or accurate it's to have a favorite ever player among those that more or less many of us consider the best ever to play this game, based of course on achievments, traits but with a heavy dose of personal prefferences.

On another note:
I don't think is neither written in stone that the Four you've mentioned will endure as much in the future, nor that it's that accurate specially among people with 30 years and above, young fellas more than probaly it's almost a silly Messi vs CR toxic shyte, while other young fellas more deep in the game also tend to be with the above 30 lot from my experience in forums, young journalists and such (a feeling of course).
Now we can feel that Pele or Diego will be there still for years to come, but we don't actually know with such a social media light, antogonist approach + "the new stuff predominance" criteria if it will hold, I hope thought.

Historically the GOAT (btw pretty silly thing at the end of the day) it tend to favored those with an style and game closer to Alfredo, Pele, Cryuff, Diego, Messi wild card jack for all trades freaks, than more focused role players or goalscores like Puskas (a player that BTW it's pretty much disrespected in terms of longevity, stats and his all around game), Eusebio, Múller, CR, Romario....but that can change.

Nowadays it feels (just a feeling) that CL's, the ammount of goals, stats have more weight.
Yet it seems that in some sort of parity regarding stats still people will tend to choose an Mbappe above a Hallaand, yet both nowadays pushed to be the next GOATs are closer to the more focused goalscorer role than a Maradona, Zico sort of player.

In fact the tendency of the Madrid Press (it's not a pun regarding them it's just sthg that happens and BTW Barca media tries that too, but they just suck at it) to put so much weight in stats to boast their CR some years ago it's in many ways what changed/shifted quite a lot this before mentioned historical approach of praising more the creators that if they score a lot, better.
At the end of the day, if this new stats trend holds in time (brought too by copying the approach of Murica's main sports). Might end biting CR's arse if Halland or Mbappe end scoring an absurd ammount gols too and specially in Erling's case, it would be a bit tragic since CR is quite a lot better overall footballer than Erling as great as the extremely endearing Viking seems to be.

As a side note, In the recent past with the Zidane/Madrid combination was sthg similar, but obviosuly focusing on different traits, nothing silly there, they weren't pushing Piojo Lopez or shyte like that to be the GOAT (believe or not Saviola was tried to be sold by Barca Press as sthg like a new Maradona to combat Zizou, that's how much they suck at it). I remember thinking that the Zidane best player ever felt like a bit of an extreme pushed, more when I loved so much Platini without even leaving France and in my view a better overall player, but for many years the whole Zidane best ever GOAT was quite spread (another main factor is the Romanticism that a WC still carries, excessivly in my view) and feels like now has fade quite a lot.

So man, DOUBT it's not bad, the whole GOAT is pretty silly and when your preffered player just doesn't even need some toxic a la Bangladesh Messi kiddo fan constantly boasting his agenda, because Cris himself does it on daily basis, and to add fuel to the fire when very clown alike fellas like the ones in Chiringuito, Alvarito, Liberman also does it just to profit themselves using him, it would be even more spread the CR silly trashing....anyway I think we are in a point of no return with this particular scenario.
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emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
I guess you didn't get what I was talking about...I was just ranting man, like I'm doing now, no pun intended at all

You've said:
"Based on many factors for me the GOAT is undoubtedly Ronaldo."

What I'm talking about has little to do with CR per se (thought he adds some salt with his constant self reference mode, nothing new BTW, not the first player that have done it).
And has more to do with any legendary player toxic fan or even if not toxic (like you, at least from what I've read great football related posts mostly about youngsters and such, do not seem to fill that form).

In my opinion what triggers many people sometimes to troll CR (or any other, but it feels more with him) and consequently annoys CR fans when people troll their favorite player it's statements like that one, BTW I'm not implying that you are trolling or being insincere.

But I trully think that If there is sthg that should BE, or even MUST BE in any comparison among players is DOUBT, it doesn't exist written in stone factors that can be used to determine a certain player it's undoubtedly THE GOAT, more when we are talking about players from so many different periods, different personal circumnstances in their carreers and a large etc.
What it's more mature or accurate it's to have a favorite ever player among those that more or less many of us consider the best ever to play this game, based of course on achievments, traits but with a heavy dose of personal prefferences.

On another note:
I don't think is neither written in stone that the Four you've mentioned will endure as much in the future, nor that it's that accurate specially among people with 30 years and above, young fellas more than probaly it's almost a silly Messi vs CR toxic shyte, while other young fellas more deep in the game also tend to be with the above 30 lot from my experience in forums, young journalists and such (a feeling of course).
Now we can feel that Pele or Diego will be there still for years to come, but we don't actually know with such a social media light, antogonist approach + "the new stuff predominance" criteria if it will hold, I hope thought.

Historically the GOAT (btw pretty silly thing at the end of the day) it tend to favored those with an style and game closer to Alfredo, Pele, Cryuff, Diego, Messi wild card jack for all trades freaks, than more focused role players or goalscores like Puskas (a player that BTW it's pretty much disrespected in terms of longevity, stats and his all around game), Eusebio, Múller, CR, Romario....but that can change.

Nowadays it feels (just a feeling) that CL's, the ammount of goals, stats have more weight.
Yet it seems that in some sort of parity regarding stats still people will tend to choose an Mbappe above a Hallaand, yet both nowadays pushed to be the next GOATs are closer to the more focused goalscorer role than a Maradona, Zico sort of player.

In fact the tendency of the Madrid Press (it's not a pun regarding them it's just sthg that happens and BTW Barca media tries that too, but they just suck at it) to put so much weight in stats to boast their CR some years ago it's in many ways what changed/shifted quite a lot this before mentioned historical approach of praising more the creators that if they score a lot, better.
At the end of the day, if this new stats trend holds in time (brought too by copying the approach of Murica's main sports). Might end biting CR's arse if Halland or Mbappe end scoring an absurd ammount gols too and specially in Erling's case, it would be a bit tragic since CR is quite a lot better overall footballer than Erling as great as the extremely endearing Viking seems to be.

As a side note, In the recent past with the Zidane/Madrid combination was sthg similar, but obviosuly focusing on different traits, nothing silly there, they weren't pushing Piojo Lopez or shyte like that to be the GOAT (believe or not Saviola was tried to be sold by Barca Press as sthg like a new Maradona to combat Zizou, that's how much they suck at it). I remember thinking that the Zidane best player ever felt like a bit of an extreme pushed, more when I loved so much Platini without even leaving France and in my view a better overall player, but for many years the whole Zidane best ever GOAT was quite spread (another main factor is the Romanticism that a WC still carries, excessivly in my view) and feels like now has fade quite a lot.

So man, DOUBT it's not bad, the whole GOAT is pretty silly and when your preffered player just doesn't even need some toxic a la Bangladesh Messi kiddo fan constantly boasting his agenda, because Cris himself does it on daily basis, and to add fuel to the fire when very clown alike fellas like the ones in Chiringuito, Alvarito, Liberman also does it just to profit themselves using him, it would be even more spread the CR silly trashing....anyway I think we are in a point of no return with this particular scenario.
Honestly man, this was a really great post and overall I can agree with most of what you put here !

Only thing is I think the tail end of Ronaldo’s career is what lingers more in people mind because he isn’t just a Goal scorer particularly in his prime (now I’m not saying he is as magical or gifted then a Messi Maradona etc) but his attributed were quite unique. So to limit him to just a goal scorer is inaccurate IMO. Prime Ronaldo was a 6ft tall man with insane speed, and trickery who can get past multiple players and can score with left foot , right foot, head, freekick, penalty, distance etc.

In the end of the day I agree with your post and I appreciate the time you put in to write it !


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
The GOAT scores again for Al Nassr in the semi final to lead them to their first ever Arab Champions Cup final.

4 goals in 5 games to start the season.

Despite how poor and underwhelming Al Nassr have been so far Ronaldo has been the difference maker. Also the top scorer of this competition now.

They will most likely face Al Hilal in the final and based on recent performances I think Al Hilal will win.
I love that you have to go to an entirely separate post to know that it was a penalty he scored :lol:


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
I love that you have to go to an entirely separate post to know that it was a penalty he scored :lol:
Who cares how he scored :wenger: The point was he scored and his team made the final. Although Al Hilal is going to be tough to beat.


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
It's really sad to see this thread become so toxic. It's disappointing to see grown-up men bashing one of the greatest players this sport, (and this club) has ever seen, along with his fans. It's hard to imagine what motivates these internet trolls and haters behind the keyboard.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
It's really sad to see this thread become so toxic. It's disappointing to see grown-up men bashing one of the greatest players this sport, (and this club) has ever seen, along with his fans. It's hard to imagine what motivates these internet trolls and haters behind the keyboard.

Joel Miller

New Member
Nov 30, 2021
If I go to the Messi forum after a Miami game you have multiple people syaong "Goat" or online or wherever.

Why is it such a problem for Ronaldo?

Some of you lot are obsessed with hating on the guy for being the GOAT when he has every justification for it.

Go call Messi the goat in his forum, or sing his praises, that's totally fine and I respect it because he as well has the justification to receive that praise. Just read the thread or don't and move on. It's never that serious people.
Messi is clearly considered by a majority to be the greatest footballer of all time, that stance has become even stronger since December 2022. Second most popular vote is for Maradona (and in many cases he’s actually still the number 1 pick for a lot of older football fans).

It’s just that it feels like you use that reference more frequently now, as though it’s a coping mechanism for you and a reaction to Messi largely killing any debate (which was predominantly between him, Maradona and Pele anyway). As someone else said, now days you really only see that term applied to CR7 with his toxic fanbase online, because there aren’t many respected people in the sport who still apply that title to Ronaldo (and few who ever did!), the overwhelming majority will give that tag to Maradona or Messi, and let’s be honest, you know it. Was it you who used to have that user tag that said “Ronaldo’s PR guy” or something? No wonder! As for people having animosity toward Ronaldo, surely fans can’t be blamed for that after his complete disrespect over the last year? Anyway, that’s all it was. I’ll say no more seeing as I really have no more to say on the matter!

P.S - you’re surely one of the last people here on a position to call other people’s behaviour strange or weird, I mean come on friend!
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emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
Messi is clearly considered by a majority to be the greatest footballer of all time, that stance has become even stronger since December 2022. Second most popular vote is for Maradona (and in many cases he’s actually still the number 1 pick for a lot of older football fans).

It’s just that it feels like you use that reference more frequently now, as though it’s a coping mechanism for you and a reaction to Messi largely killing any debate (which was predominantly between him, Maradona and Pele anyway). As someone else said, now days you really only see that term applied to CR7 with his toxic fanbase online, because there aren’t many respected people in the sport who still apply that title to Ronaldo, the overwhelming majority will give that tag to Maradona or Messi, and let’s be honest, you know it. Was it you who used to have that user tag that said “Ronaldo’s PR guy” or something? No wonder! As for people having animosity toward Ronaldo, surely fans can’t be blamed for that after his complete disrespect over the last year? Anyway, that’s all it was. I’ll say no more seeing as I really have no more to say on the matter!
That wasn’t me but nice try. The debate to many also had shifted and ended for many in 2016 but that’s neither here nor their. That debate is pointless and has been beaten to death because nobody will change the others mind.

It’s hilarious that you say “toxic fan base” when the Messi fans on the CAF are the most toxic and unbearable fan base on this forum. You lot spend more of your time commenting about Ronaldo then about messi.


Football Statistics Dork
Mar 29, 2018
Bayer 04 Leverkusen
Thats an opinion everyone is entitled to have.

Just like anyone can say Messi and Ronaldo are top 20 at best. Is it a stupid opinion? 100%.

Similarly their is a much higher argument and justification for calling Ronaldo the goat or a top 4 player all time then to call him a top 10. Regardless as I pointed out before I can care less about that argument anymore because the past 2 pages have been people arguing about that which I did not reply too.

What is even weirder is having more posts in a Ronaldo thread then a Messi one and being upset that someone called him the goat because he led his team to a final.

Who tf cares. Just move on people or don't reply to it. All of these replies over one comment which is beyond justifiable. Get a grip.
It is a stupid opinion in your opinion. I think it is a "stupid" (or better: ignorant) opinion to call him the greatest ever because it belittles other great players in the same way you think seiing him outside the top 10 belittles him. And the same way it irks in your finger tips to correct somebody if he voices this opinion, it irks in mine (and seemingly a lot of others) to correct you when you call him "GOAT". But it's all up to you, you can tell yourself that those are all just Messi fans and you're the only sane person in here or you can reconsider ;)

To conclude, for me he battles Cruyff, Beckenbauer and Di Stefano for top 5 and I don't find that outrageous as it us one hell of an achievement, especially as this means he's above players such as Best, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Platini, Zico, Puskas, etc. who were incredible in their own right.

Joel Miller

New Member
Nov 30, 2021
That wasn’t me but nice try. The debate to many also had shifted and ended for many in 2016 but that’s neither here nor their. That debate is pointless and has been beaten to death because nobody will change the others mind.

It’s hilarious that you say “toxic fan base” when the Messi fans on the CAF are the most toxic and unbearable fan base on this forum. You lot spend more of your time commenting about Ronaldo then about messi.
I’m actually really confident it was you, if it wasn’t you then then I apologise. But who was it? Maybe someone else will confirm.

As for the second part, you only feel that way because you’re on the opposite side of the fence. And as I’ve already said, there will be animosity toward Ronaldo now that wasn’t there before because of the way he completely disrespected United. You have to understand a lot of people’s priorities lay with their club and not with one player.


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
Messi is clearly considered by a majority to be the greatest footballer of all time, that stance has become even stronger since December 2022. Second most popular vote is for Maradona (and in many cases he’s actually still the number 1 pick for a lot of older football fans).

It’s just that it feels like you use that reference more frequently now, as though it’s a coping mechanism for you and a reaction to Messi largely killing any debate (which was predominantly between him, Maradona and Pele anyway). As someone else said, now days you really only see that term applied to CR7 with his toxic fanbase online, because there aren’t many respected people in the sport who still apply that title to Ronaldo, the overwhelming majority will give that tag to Maradona or Messi, and let’s be honest, you know it. Was it you who used to have that user tag that said “Ronaldo’s PR guy” or something? No wonder! As for people having animosity toward Ronaldo, surely fans can’t be blamed for that after his complete disrespect over the last year? Anyway, that’s all it was. I’ll say no more seeing as I really have no more to say on the matter!

P.S - you’re surely one of the last people here on a position to call other people’s behaviour strange or weird!
Man just posted that his favorite player scored a goal, and you bunches came and bashed the player and the poster, and you have a gut to mention "his toxic fan base" in your sentence :lol:. You maybe are a very smart, successful, and respected football person who knows the true GOAT and football more, But if you think Ronaldo and his fans deserve all of your online hate/animosity because he disrespected the manager you trusted, man I have gotta tell you that it's toxic.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
It is a stupid opinion in your opinion. I think it is a "stupid" (or better: ignorant) opinion to call him the greatest ever because it belittles other great players in the same way you think seiing him outside the top 10 belittles him. And the same way it irks in your finger tips to correct somebody if he voices this opinion, it irks in mine (and seemingly a lot of others) to correct you when you call him "GOAT". But it's all up to you, you can tell yourself that those are all just Messi fans and you're the only sane person in here or you can reconsider ;)

To conclude, for me he battles Cruyff, Beckenbauer and Di Stefano for top 5 and I don't find that outrageous as it us one hell of an achievement, especially as this means he's above players such as Best, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Platini, Zico, Puskas, etc. who were incredible in their own right.
The reason it makes no sense is it’s funny how a guy who won 5 Balon D Or (at one point tied with Messi) in what in your opinion is “Messi’s Era and who out performed Messi in multiple season and in multiple records is left being comparter
To guys ranked 5-10 (with all due respect to those guys) while Messi is top 3. The math in that logic is not mathing.

In fact a overwhelming majority would call the last 20 years of football the Messi/Ronaldo era. Similarly in 50 years or even now it is impossible to talk about Messi or Ronaldo’: career without mentioning the other on the same sentence. Something even Messi himself has said.

So the mental gymnastics done to try to make sense of how Two guys who were neck and neck a majority of their careers are now seamlessly so far apart in ranking according to messi fans.

In fact the answer is easy, they hate the fact that people consider Ronaldo to be better OR mention him in the same breath.

Yet it’s funny that it you use a beautiful little search engine named google or watch any video on YouTube a OVERWHELMING majority have Ronaldo Top4 all time (various videos and articles have him anywhere from 1-4 many have Messi #1 as well)

Go figure.

Like I said the math is not mathing with the logic

It’s like comparing two racers in F1 being side by side all 8 laps and then at the end comparing the second places racer to the guys who finished 5-10.

The logic makes no sense.

lex talionis

Full Member
Jul 25, 2017
I have no interest in watching this league, but I do want to opine on the Messi v Ronaldo debate. Messi clearly edges Ronaldo, but not by a mile. Both have had brilliant careers, but Messi both in his play and in his achievements was, and is, the better footballer. Slightly better.



New Member
Aug 8, 2015
CR7 it’s one of the greats of the game, for sure. But he isn’t the GOAT and isn’t near of being one.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
Man just posted that his favorite player scored a goal, and you bunches came and bashed the player and the poster, and you have a gut to mention "his toxic fan base" in your sentence :lol:. You maybe are a very smart, successful, and respected football person who knows the true GOAT and football more, But if you think Ronaldo and his fans deserve all of your online hate/animosity because he disrespected the manager you trusted, man I have gotta tell you that it's toxic.
This This and This.

The double standard and Irony In that post was hilarious.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
I have no interest in watching this league, but I do want to opine on the Messi v Ronaldo debate. Messi clearly edges Ronaldo, but not by a mile. Both have had brilliant careers, but Messi both in his play and in his achievements was, and is, the better footballer. Slightly better.

Although I don’t agree I can For sure RESPECT this opinion because at least it makes some sense.

Simple respectful comment, thank you.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
I agree.

I posted that he scored a goal and the flock came running with pitch forks.
It’s almost two decades of this, nobody is going to change anybody else’s mind.
We’re literally at the stage of watching them go over that hill in their careers, there’s nothing wrong with appreciating both players as they wind down.
Jumping in because you posted goal number 800 and whatever is embarrassing on a United forum quite frankly


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
It's really sad to see this thread become so toxic. It's disappointing to see grown-up men bashing one of the greatest players this sport, (and this club) has ever seen, along with his fans. It's hard to imagine what motivates these internet trolls and haters behind the keyboard.
It's really tragic - this should be solely about Ronaldo in Saudi, instead it's descended into horse shit


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
It’s almost two decades of this, nobody is going to change anybody else’s mind.
We’re literally at the stage of watching them go over that hill in their careers, there’s nothing wrong with appreciating both players as they wind down.
Jumping in because you posted goal number 800 and whatever is embarrassing on a United forum quite frankly
As you pointed out at this stage nobody will ever change the others mind. The debate is pointless and the constant need to try to bash a player anytime anything positive is said is just sad to see and when I first joined the CAF it was never this bad.

Appreciate both players. I don’t go on Messi Miami thread and say he is having traffic cones because who cares ?!?

Ronaldo and Messi have nothing left to prove in this sport. They own every relevant record by quite a margin. Just enjoy them both because the chances of seeing anything like them two again is slim to none.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
If you agree then stop spamming page after page. Just accept people disagree with you and move on. It's laughable at this point.
Ya your right, I’m at fault mate.

I want to say Sorry for posting a Ronaldo goal in a Ronaldo thread. I should have known better and I’ll try to do better going forward.


You know who
Aug 7, 2008
Although I don’t agree I can For sure RESPECT this opinion because at least it makes some sense.

Simple respectful comment, thank you.
Tbh when you open up a post with Cristiano the GOAT - it’s perfectly normal to expect a backslash.

He was never the GOAT and never will be. It’s a highly controversial opinion that no doubt will get called out.

Also comparing Ballon dors when you are throwing Pele and Maradona name out there, you do realise that they couldn’t win it at the time right ?

if you just posted the goal with comments of the game I pretty much doubt anyone else would respond in such manner.


New Member
Nov 26, 2015
Ya your right, I’m at fault mate.

I want to say Sorry for posting a Ronaldo goal in a Ronaldo thread. I should have known better and I’ll try to do better going forward.
Posting the goal isn't the issue. The subsequent deluge of pages on this thread with you, as always, arguing to the bitter end with every random who disagrees with you is the issue. There has been so much spam at this point I didn't even make it back to see the penalty.

Truly accepting that people disagree with you, as you keep saying, would be to actually disengage and stop posting.

It cannot be good for your mental state to be this obsessed with arguing with strangers online about the achievements of a man who doesn't know you exist.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
Tbh when you open up a post with Cristiano the GOAT - it’s perfectly normal to expect a backslash.

He was never the GOAT and never will be. It’s a highly controversial opinion that no doubt will get called out.

Also comparing Ballon dors when you are throwing Pele and Maradona name out there, you do realise that they couldn’t win it at the time right ?
Saying that it was “Highly controversial” is controversial in itself.


emotional range of a teaspoon
Feb 17, 2014
Sporting Clube de Portugal
Posting the goal isn't the issue. The subsequent deluge of pages on this thread with you, as always, arguing to the bitter end with every random who disagrees with you is the issue. There has been so much spam at this point I didn't even make it back to see the penalty.

Truly accepting that people disagree with you, as you keep saying, would be to actually disengage and stop posting.

It cannot be good for your mental state to be this obsessed with arguing with strangers online about the achievements of a man who doesn't know you exist.
It’s incredible how whenever this stupid topic is brought up and normally not by me, I get the “blame” for doing something that every body else is doing.

It goes Beyond irony and hypocrisy at this point.


You know who
Aug 7, 2008
Saying that it was “Highly controversial” is controversial in itself.
There’s nothing controversial about your intent though. You post that crap on the previous page, get 2 responses and immediately throw in Messi’s name in two consecutive posts.

I mean, it’s obvious what you are doing so I find it pretty hypocritical to complain afterwards about the flood that ensued.