Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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I know some people were desperate for him to return, but they need to use common sense.
The recording is there. The explanations can vary from „part of a longer recording to new evidence to whatever“. But people have heard the recording and those explanations weren’t convincing enough to drop the charges days/weeks/months afterwards, but only over a year afterwards when she got pregnant. The timing alone and the long period the charges weren’t dropped for should tell people a lot.

Then the club are not the law and they have already admitted that obviously they have access to limited information. They also can’t declare Mason guilty when the charges have been dropped. They also don’t want to make life difficult for Mason with potential new clubs. However the club and Mason admitted that Mason made mistakes.
Last but not least people are underestimating the consequences. This is United. Immense media interest and coverage. And according to polls majority of United fans didn’t want his return. He would have been booed at OT every time he would have touched the ball, ongoing protests and media interest, celebrities and organisations tweeting against him and United, United staff resigning, etc. At what point would even his biggest fans feel enough is enough?
And yes it wouldn’t surprise me if he starts playing well again that some high profile club, maybe even Newcastle signs him afterwards and there will be media silence and hardly anything said about it.
But the reality we and he faces at United is as it is.
It's cancel culture from the woke mob innit?

Who cares about women getting battered if it's by someone banging in goals for us?
This decision is wrong on so many levels.
A young kid, that grew up watching a handful of incompetent managers spunk money at average players like Pogba, Bastian, Lingard and co, has been brought up in that environment and I can bet my house nobody ever has spoken to him about values and important things in life. He goes on and makes a mistake. His wife then forgives him, goes to have a kid with him, but the internet gang, and the innocent nuns of twitter don't give it a break, do they? They have to single him out, and forgiveness or remorse are not things they could ever talk about, could they?

Well fecking done internet justice league. You achieved it. You must be fecking proud with yourselves. I wish you go to hell.
I can not support a club that has such fans. I hope you all go to hell.
Didn't read it fully, I see it's a joke now

No hard feelings
He has got a second chance to earn millions elsewhere.

Most of us would also lose our jobs if we had a public case of probable physical/sexual assualt.

Mason has come away from this with a relationship intact, a baby and a future career. He's been very fortunate and I don't think he's too worried that the club has released him.

But why not a second chance at the club he’s been at since he’s 7?
Did no one here follow the Depp trial? There was plenty of images there too, deemed fake by the court, all created with makeup. There was out of context audio there too, it came to light with the full recordings.

The whole judicial system is built on innocent until proven guilty, plenty of times people have looked guilty from the outside and then it has come out later that they did nothing wrong. I am more surprised that Mason is deciding to stay with this woman after a mountain of false allegations. He should throw her to the curb, too bad he knocked her up.

And the club should be ashamed, who are they to think they can run an investigation better than the police. As soon as charges were dropped he should have been back in training.

Is your moral compass solely linked to the judicial system? Only illegal actions can see you distance yourself from someone or something?
I can’t understand people talking about football side (We need attackers) of this when it comes to this. There is some things in life you need to stand for or stand against.

This is correct decision although the statement is wierd to say at least.

Sadly, people are largely selfish wankers who care about a game more than people.
I'm just speechless at these statements.

These are very dark days for the club, this situation is yet another shocking example of how the club is owned and how it is managed. Making out as if the club is taking the moral high ground in a statement full of lies, where the timing couldn't have been any worse.
The CPS did, and we know what they said. Specifically this: "In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."

Why have you again not highlighted 'withdrawl of key witnesses'. Both of those points are aligned.
Wrong decision. He deserved a chance to rehabilitate his career at United, but whatever, I'm over it.
Correct decision, though why the club flirted with the idea of bringing him back at all way beyond me. Still, they got there and we can finally move on.
What do we think this means?

We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings
I never felt for one minute the outcome would be anything but this and while I would have been uncomfortable about seeing Greenwood in a United shirt again, the fact of the matter is, he was never even put on trial and, whatever anyone thinks, remains innocent until proven guilty.

You can say you heard the tape all you want but you didn't her anything approaching all the evidence and certainly not his evidence. We live in democracy and we are not guilty until proven so while In a statement in February, the CPS said: "In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."

We don't know what that is, but you'd have to think it was pretty damning for the case. Also what did we actually hear? Was it violence or was it an argument. We simply don't know. The fact that right-wing gobshites like Denise Welch wanted to be judge, jury and execution - knowing exactly nothing about the case other than what she's been told - makes me much more uncomfortable. I'd certainly have my lawyer object to her presence on a jury even if i was facing just a charge of littering

What I do now is pretty much everyone though Benjamin Mendy was guilty as hell, but two juries of his peers heard all the evidence and decided not. And it seems there was a hell of a lot more evidence in that case.

In many ways, I'm relieved at Greewood leaving: the club can't be accused of anything by the haters - but, am afraid, there is more than a whiff of shite here
Mixed response from the fanbase,just like Morrison another promising Utd career ruined by events off the pitch. Shame we will never get to see him under a decent Utd manager
I’m not sure on that. Discussions will be taking place about the possibility at PL clubs right now.

Nah they’ll get much more heat than we did. It’ll be crazy non-stop criticism if any British team even thought about it. Football fans can be fickle as feck but I don’t think you can be that fickle.

Don’t forget Benjamin Mendy was found not guilty in court and even at his new club Lorient, their fans are not happy… so lord help the guy who had his case dropped by CPS despite the pretty damning evidence out there.
Did you listen to the recording?
Yes and The CeO of utd did as well all of it not just the bit you heard , and concluded He was not guilty , have you read Arnold's statement?

The club have basically imo thrown him under the bus for Commercial gain.. wheres the duty of care there, I hope the boy goes on an wins the Ballon dor .. so he can shove it up Arnold's ass..
The club has told us what it was, and its the full recording.
Regardless I'm not even saying he is innocent, I'm saying those going around claiming he is definitely guilty are the problem. Because QUITE CLEARLY from 2 difference source there is doubt

They have also said they only have access to some information and not other parts.
Wow, just wow. I’m ashamed of some of our fans.

I think the club handled this with class and with diligence. The decision could have gone either way, but the ramifications of Mason restarting his career are just too negative for both him and the club.

It would have never worked, the sooner y’all accept that the better.
Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged
Regardless of the case this is a scarry bit. So United belive he is innocent but want him out becasue of branding issues?
Did no one here follow the Depp trial? There was plenty of images there too, deemed fake by the court, all created with makeup. There was out of context audio there too, it came to light with the full recordings.

For a start, all the evidence in that trial wasn't deemed fake.

As for Greenwood, both he and United suggest in the statements that those social media posts are real.
From day 1 of this happening, I found it a very calculated situation.

I don't believe for one that the girl wanted any police involvement, I believe she was after the court of public opinion to lynch him.

And am assuming here looking at the outcome that she wanted something from it.

She releases the video and audio, it gets picked up by CPS but ends up staying with him and having his baby?

Let's say if the relationship was about to end because it was a violent one, she gets nothing but see what she gets now

I know some people said abusers have babies as a control measure but she seems to have come out OK after it all

Surely you’re not an adult. It’s scary to think people like you might have a family, kids, hell even a daughter. This ignorance, and just complete lack of knowledge just shows how poorly educated people are on these matters.
At the end of the day, if he didnt do what was accused like they claim, and it was all some sort of misunderstanding, it could have all been cleared up very quickly with a short statement from the girl. But she didnt. Not a peep.
Except he did and we all know it. Some prefer to stick their head in the sand and pretend he didn't for the sake of football or "anti-wokeness", but they too know.
Said it before. Let him rehabilitate his tattered reputation somewhere far from here. He'll probably go onto have a long and glittering career, but I'm glad it's not with us. No amount of talent is worth all this shite.
Why have you again not highlighted 'withdrawl of key witnesses'. Both of those points are aligned.

They are 2 reasons, the same 2 points were also outlined by the club.
And its the point you were ignoring
This decision is wrong on so many levels.
A young kid, that grew up watching a handful of incompetent managers spunk money at average players like Pogba, Bastian, Lingard and co, has been brought up in that environment and I can bet my house nobody ever has spoken to him about values and important things in life. He goes on and makes a mistake. His wife then forgives him, goes to have a kid with him, but the internet gang, and the innocent nuns of twitter don't give it a break, do they? They have to single him out, and forgiveness or remorse are not things they could ever talk about, could they?

Well fecking done internet justice league. You achieved it. You must be fecking proud with yourselves. I wish you go to hell.
I can not support a club that has such fans. I hope you all go to hell.
Haha, well a bit of light relief is much needed right now so I appreciated that post.
Said it before. Let him rehabilitate his tattered reputation somewhere far from here. He'll probably go onto have a long and glittering career, but I'm glad it's not with us. No amount of talent is worth all this shite.

I doubt it to be honest
Yes and The CeO of utd did as well all of it not just the bit you heard , and concluded He was not guilty , have you read Arnold's statement?

The club have basically imo thrown him under the bus for Commercial gain.. wheres the duty of care there, I hope the boy goes on an wins the Ballon dor .. so he can shove it up Arnold's ass..

He hasn’t concluded he was not guilty of all crimes.
That is very shitty composed statement. "He is not guilty but it is better that he leaves the club".

To be clear; good decision but not so good statement by the club.
The club has told us what it was, and its the full recording

It's pointless unless they can figure out a way to put out more details. I'm guessing they can't due to the sensitive nature of the recordings. "Trust us, he isn't guilty" isn't good enough for such a high profile case.
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