Youtube autoplay should be a bannable offence

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New Member
Jun 21, 2008
The NSFW rule exists because many people browse the caf from work and would get a bollocking or even lose their jobs for looking at NSFW content.

The same people would most likely get in trouble if their computer suddenly starts playing music, so auto playing youtube music should be made a banning offence.

That is all.
The NSFW rule exists because many people browse the caf from work and would get a bollocking or even lose their jobs for looking at NSFW content.

The same people would most likely get in trouble if their computer suddenly starts playing music, so auto playing youtube music should be made a banning offence.

That is all.
I concur.
The NSFW rule exists because many people browse the caf from work and would get a bollocking or even lose their jobs for looking at NSFW content.

The same people would most likely get in trouble if their computer suddenly starts playing music, so auto playing youtube music should be made a banning offence.

That is all.

Elvis has already been warned about this by Hectic, you'll find the thread in the general.
firefox+flashblock at work .

its still annoying .. but can be avoided
It was Mockney's spamming of that East 17 video that led to Hectic's warning thread in the General wasn't it?
I think infractions are sufficient. elvis, after all, thrives on the attention that comes with a ban.
Personally I have ClickToFlash installed and I honestly wouldn't want to live without it.

Well, okay, I would want to live, but it would be more annoying.
Animated gifs are the way to go

The NSFW rule exists because many people browse the caf from work and would get a bollocking or even lose their jobs for looking at NSFW content.

The same people would most likely get in trouble if their computer suddenly starts playing music, so auto playing youtube music should be made a banning offence.

That is all.

or people could do what they are fecking well paid for and stop fecking about in the caf...
or mute their sound at work
I own the company I work in, I would fire people who dont browse forums at work.
If anyone has posted a autoplay video, please send me a pm with the thread and I will remove the link, and deal with the poster. Autoplay videos are not allowed here, and anyone who argues otherwise is wrong.
If posting in bold deems your post more effective, does posting in Comic Sans make it less noteworthy?
I'm never wrong.

Re your other post, Mockney has a feckload of East 17 videos in a variety of threads. I honestly think you should give him like, a 1 point infraction or something.

He was spoken to about that, an infraction wasn't neccessary.

The original post has been answered, let's move on please.
Banning offense if I come across it.

If anyone has posted a autoplay video, please send me a pm with the thread and I will remove the link, and deal with the poster. Autoplay videos are not allowed here, and anyone who argues otherwise is wrong.

He was spoken to about that, an infraction wasn't neccessary.

The original post has been answered, let's move on please.

You shouldn't be looking at that shit at work should you? You should be working. Nor should you be sitting in a babies room surfing the caf with the volume turned up full...

We used to flick ink at snitchy people like you at that was this is all about really Logan? huh? Ink?...It stained didn't it?...well I'm sorry, but I'm not washing your shirt this time.
I'm not sitting in a babies room. I'm sitting in the adjacent room watching Two and a Half Gimps on the PC and browsing the caf. The volume is set at a suitable level for watching TV through VLC, but evidently Youtube is set at a higher level and the bass on the speakers has more of an effect with dance music than it does Charlie Sheen and some fat kid.

It would appear you've been told before about posting auto play videos anyway Mockers so why you would choose to do it again is beyond me. You seem like an intelligent fella so I can only assume you don't really care about the rules of the site.

Anyway, thanks again.
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