Recent content by abdulsamadd

  1. Christian Eriksen | Signs for Inter

    Hahahaha. I'm constantly checking the transfer tweet section. Good thing it’s 2PM here so can follow along quite rigorously
  2. Christian Eriksen | Signs for Inter

    Woo-hoo. Can't wait for this to happen. Hopefully can challenge for top 4 now. Hope Pogba and Eriksen can gel together ASAP. Hope has not not been given up, yet.
  3. Transfer Tweets - 2017/18

    No Dea Gea - No party.
  4. Antonio Valencia wants to improve his weak foot

    Hope he does - those fire goals are yet to come.
  5. [Poll Added] Hypothetical: Next manager after Jose Mourinho

    I wouldn't mind Simeone. Koke and Griezmann too.