Recent content by arnie sidebottom

  1. Liverpool vs. Manchester United

    Another one for the pantheon of classic United corners.
  2. Liverpool vs. Manchester United

    Alan Smith talks some bollocks.
  3. Liverpool vs. Manchester United

    Excrutiating; United look like they don't want to be there. We have more players out there not on their game than there are substitutes. Referee will be desparate to even things up with bookings / sendings off / penalty whatever. I'd take a draw now, even with 10 against 11 (or 10 against 7...
  4. Out: Berbatov / In: Klass Jan Huntelaar

    After watching us lob so many balls into the box which seem to end back on the halfway line, I'd even be excited about us being linked with Kevin Davies. Just to get that old fashioned rush of excitement when crosses / corner / free kicks are headed goalwards in a manner that threatens the...
  5. Out: Berbatov / In: Klass Jan Huntelaar

    Huntelaar's performance in CL vs us didn't impress but SAF likes a bit of Dutch so there might be something in this. I can see Berbatov being a revelation in the Serie A, less sure about Huntelaar in PL, so doubt this will be a straight swap unless there's a big differential in contracted...
  6. "I can take the despair, it's the hope I can't stand"

    Perhaps we should create a companion Godfather thread. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"
  7. Ratings v Leeds Jan 3rd 2010

    He should have booked Beckford for repeated simulation but Foy was not the reason we lost today.
  8. Ratings v Leeds Jan 3rd 2010

    True - the times we look most threatening these days is when Berbatov is in possession on the edge of the box. If we didn't have that we'd have very little threat at all. Can anybody get remotely excited when we get a corner or put a high ball into the area these days?
  9. Kung-Fu Evans

    Get a grip. Survival instincts. You jump for a ball with a 6' certifiable lunatic leaping intentionally at you and see what your feet do. And a fake seizure is just wrong on so many counts I wouldn't know where to begin. They should throw the cnut (Drogba) out of the game.
  10. Kung-Fu Evans

    Looks dodgy but wasn't Drogba just about to barge into him while he was a couple of feet off the ground? No attempt to play the ball at all.
  11. Kung-Fu Evans

    The look of concern on Evans face is priceless.
  12. Kung-Fu Evans

    Drogba plunged to a new depth today. Faking a seizure to get a fellow professional into trouble is about as low as a sportsman can go.
  13. Chelsea vs Manchester United

    Personally, I thought Drogba's fake epileptic fit was the highlight of the match. When are the FA going to get real with these people?
  14. Chelsea Away

    I'd wager it'll be 5 across midfield for Chelsea away and we'll go in knowing we have to scrap from the 1st minute. Today's game was a useful reality check for that one.
  15. Foster out..

    I've bee following football since the 60's, when English keepers were the pride of the world. :cool: