Recent content by Arul

  1. Milton Keynes Dons vs Manchester United

    If you are happy with his performances against Swansea and Sunderland, and thinks he deserves no competition for his place in the team, then I guess you are right. Still doesn't mean Kagawa shouldn't be given a run in the team (in any position available) to help improve the team's performances...
  2. Milton Keynes Dons vs Manchester United

    Thanks for the reply, but I think you are missing the point I was trying to make. My opinions are based on hindsight, after the last 2 PL games and focusing on LvG's team and philosophy. Imagine you had a time machine and could sit beside LvG in the dugout and advice him during the last 2...
  3. Milton Keynes Dons vs Manchester United

    Why is there always a debate between Mata and Kagawa fans? I will admit I am biased as I do like Kagawa, but I think most Kagawa fans are trying to say that having Kagawa in the team will help Mata play better, as it gives him a similar minded player to play off with. They both are clever and...