Recent content by Avfc82

  1. Sam Johnstone | Villa loan watch

    He has been utterly dreadful in his last two games. His decision making is appalling and his shot saving abilities also deserved to be questioned.
  2. Sam Johnstone | Villa loan watch

    He's made a decent-ish start playing for us. He was possibly slightly at fault for Preston's equalising goal on Saturday and probably should have stayed on his line rather than rush out to try and claim the cross.
  3. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    It's not, but carry on if it makes yourself feel better.
  4. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Harsh for us, but can see where the ref is coming from.
  5. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Falcao, it was inevitable, Young is quality for you lot at left wing back.
  6. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    De Gea is incredible.
  7. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Van Gaal should get Januzaj on instead of Mata and Di Maria for Fletcher. Would be a much better team then.
  8. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    If United actually ran at our defence then you would probably score, put some pressure on our defence and we crumble. How on earth is Fletcher still starting games? He was maginificent when you reached back to back CL finals, but he has had that illness and he isn't good enough anymore.
  9. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    How on earth does Evans still start for you lot? Blackett is much better.
  10. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

  11. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    When we was in the relegation zone during the season before he left, he said he would stay with Villa no matter what as we had bought him when he had a broken leg and he owed it to the fans to stay. In the same summer as Young left, Liverpool showed some interest and Downing handed in a...
  12. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Young didn't leave on bad terms, he had one year left on his contract and we all knew he was going. The home fans that are booing him are pretty pathetic. Whereas what Downing did makes him a complete cnut.
  13. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    I love Benteke and all, but your trio of Rooney, Falcao and RVP wipe the floor with him.
  14. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    He's been mostly rubbish, apart from a few spells where he hasn't looked that bad. If he's under pressure outside our box he has a tendency to panic and give the ball straight to the opposition. With your midfield and attack that scares me.
  15. Aston Villa vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Weimann has got 3 goals this season, One against Stoke in the first game of the season One against Hull at the end of August One against Spurs in the middle of October Agbonlahor has also got 3 goals this season One against Hull at the end of August One against Liverpool in the middle of...