Recent content by Eadesface1990

  1. hello, do you still have the spares for Newcastle?

    hello, do you still have the spares for Newcastle?
  2. hello, do you still have the spares for Newcastle?

    hello, do you still have the spares for Newcastle?
  3. hello, do you still have the spare for Newcastle?

    hello, do you still have the spare for Newcastle?
  4. FA Cup Final: United v City

    Going to be a hell of a game and a hell of a day out for those heading down to Wembley. Far from confident but it's a cup final at the end of the day so let's not write us off too soon.
  5. Micah Richards - The Pundit

    He's a breath of fresh air to the pundit game. Compared to most of the dross we have to listen to week in week out, he has personality and doesn't take himself too serious.
  6. All I want for Christmas is.... (siuuuu Xmas jumper discussion)

    ... There is a variety here, tees and jumpers available:
  7. Manchester United sign Raphael Varane! (not in time for Leeds)

    This is still mental. Can't believe we have actively gone out and got two top class players, for two positions that we needed to strengthen, before the season starts. So many transfer windows of panic buying, buying big name players for the sake of it and square pegs in round holes etc, to...
  8. Paul Pogba / turned down United offer of 300k as “nothing”

    If the stall in contract talks is all about money, then I think we should cash in now. Another big contract for him won't stop this circus, which occurs every single transfer window. He's not done much during his time here to justify another pay rise. I'm not doubting his quality, but it's so...
  9. Awesome United pics

    Not sure if it's acceptable to post external links here but there's a belting twitter page which fits in perfectly here for its 'awesome United pics' Its @manutdsnapshot
  10. Predict the Top 6 in order

    1. City 2. Liverpool 3. Spurs 4. United 5. Arsenal 6. Chelsea
  11. Giggs appointed new Wales manager

    Good luck to him. Would rather have seen him manage and club level on a weekly basis but will be interesting nevertheless to see how he handles management at a high level.
  12. Mesut Ozil on a free? | Orn: Ozil signs new contract worth 350k

    Ozil running the show tonight against Chelsea. He's been hot and cold over recent years, but when he's good he's really good and he's been on top form so far tonight. The Chelsea midfield haven't been able to handle him. Imagine picking this lad up for free. No brainer.