Recent content by Firaaz

  1. Coronavirus in football

    If you think that it is only the unvaccinated people catching and spreading the virus, you are massively mistaken. It is not only the unvaccinated passing the virus on to the vaccinated. There is infection and transmission between vaccinated people as well. Look at Gibraltar. The vaccination...
  2. Coronavirus in football

    I think it is absolutely nonsensical to consider banning any unvaccinated player. What would the benefit be in banning them? A vaccinated person can still catch Covid and can still pass it on, as can an unvaccinated person. And as the vaccinated person is vaccinated, what is there to worry...
  3. Paul Pogba | 2021/22 Performances

    This is my point too. Pogba may not have lit up our team as much as we hoped, but he has had much better performances than Fred, McTominay and VDB. It clearly has not worked out for him. Some of it down to our management and the way we play and some of it down to Pogba himself. But I for one...