Recent content by Gilad

  1. Harry Maguire’s speed...

    Big mistake offering Harry a 5 year extension on his contract. He can run the 100 m is x seconds and no matter what he does, he is not going to get faster. In fact as he gets older he is only going to slow down. And the opposition know this and will continue to punish United, especially in those...
  2. Maguire needs to be replaced

    Fully agree. Also, being captain makes him all that more slower as his thoughts are not focused singularly on his immediate task.
  3. Maguire needs to be replaced

    Maguire is one of the slowest defenders in the league. It's not his fault. He was born with what he has. When facing opposition that can run the 100m at 10+ seconds, it becomes a game of men and boys. As we saw once more during the Watford game, Harry chose not to close the gap when the 2rd goal...
  4. What went wrong this year for Ole?

    The stats speak for themselves. The number of goals scored against us shows that Harry should not be captain and is not the person to hang the clubs hopes on. You simply cannot be that slow in the Premier League. It's as simple as that. A master and commander is needed in one of the centre back...
  5. Next permanent manager | Poll updated

    Ole, being attacking educated and minded, did not understand the finer issues around what is needed to make a solid defense on this level when fractions of seconds count. For many years now I have felt that Laurent Blanc would be the right person for the job. He's intelligent, understands the...