Recent content by Indired

  1. Darren Fletcher | 2014/15 Performances

    Apologies. wrong choice of words from my side. What I meant was, LVG wouldn't pick someone up just for his reputation , without him showing adequate performances in training . :)
  2. Darren Fletcher | 2014/15 Performances

    Cant believe Van Gaal choose him without him showing adequate performances in training .. it could very well be a bad day for him at office . But the question really is , whether his current ceiling is the level that you want in your midfield .
  3. Is winning everything?

    To me, no .. but maybe yes, its an addiction which many including me have got used to , when sitting on a couch and missing the excitement and noise inside the ground . But, for the commercial giant that United is today , its very critical .. And yes, I started watching united around mid to...
  4. Chicharito Loan Watch | Real Madrid

    Would be interesting to see if he has a 20 + goal season ..
  5. Utd now just another big club | All "United losing identity" stuff here

    Someone make Ryan Giggs wear a shorts on matchday and United's identity would be back in Phelan's eyes...
  6. LvG's bold approach to rebuilding

    Still unhappy about Welbeck / Kagawa leaving while a few who doesnt deserve a united shirt are still around .. But the decisiveness and the boldness with which LVG is doing things the way he thinks is right is welcome and is exactly what we needed.. Eagerness to see his "brand" of football...
  7. Danny Welbeck | Arsenal player

    Still remember that stunner of a goal when he was still a prospect .. Sad to wake up to this news, am a great fan of him :( I have a feeling he is going to bang them in at Arse.. LVG better get this right.. else the two names would be used in the same sentence a lot in future.. (like Moyes...
  8. Ashley Young, Valencia.. Di Maria and Falcao?

    Just dont understand how they made Moyes and now Van Gaal to give them soo many chances... Moyes eventually found them out , now to see how long it takes for van Gaal to realize..
  9. Post Match Vs Burnley

    One dude applied his "philosophy" last year and we know where it ended. To me its not the manager or the formation thats at fault , its about the players standing up like men and taking responsibility for the shite they put up on the field... We now have a bunch of uninspiring characters...
  10. Danny Welbeck | Manchester United: 2001-2014

    Would hate to see him go .. Dont really understand even the talk of selling him when people like Ashley Young and Anderson are still on the payrolls..
  11. Twitter Discussion [Archive]

  12. Sunderland vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Why is there even a talk of selling Welbeck ... Ashley Young should be donated to someone willing to accept..
  13. Twitter Discussion [Archive]

    And Juve wants Hernandez for ~10 million !!
  14. United linked with van Gaal in the meeja

    :D Appoint someone who was completely out of picture (like Klopp) and media would have a ball..
  15. Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

    Yep, watched a few episodes and its nice..