Recent content by Longsden_7

  1. Fergie to become a director when he retires. Your opinion?

    Yep. I think he is fecking with people
  2. Bluemoon goes into Meltdown

    Funny how we finished level on points with them last year sans RVP. Their stupidity knows no bounds.
  3. Smashley Young

    Not a United player. Doesn't have the confidence or the balls to be a United player and I can't see him picking himself up from this dip.
  4. Bluemoon goes into Meltdown

    If they were an animal they would have been put down by now.
  5. U21s: United vs. Stoke

    Good vhs rip
  6. Suarez

  7. Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

    I don't think you need quotes to see he is as good as gone.
  8. Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

    If Nani is going anywhere it should be to Juve for a swap deal for Vidal
  9. Eboue

    He is a fecking dick head
  10. Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

    That's being kind. That header
  11. Nuri Sahin

    The midfield options are fine, not great but fine. The one big hope is Cleverley who impressed during the Olympics (playing 90mins for the most part) and against Hannover worked brilliantly with Kagawa. Now, Kagawa will bring a new feel to the team and its one that has been lacking for sometime...
  12. Nuri Sahin

    Staggering isn't it. "Well he played for Madrid so he must be great, he is my new want this summer" Injury prone, has an attitude, ON LOAN WITH NO BUY OPTION. Yeah sounds right up our street. I have faith in the squad this year, some players it's slim, but its there.
  13. Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

    ANOTHER feckING STRIKER:houllier::houllier::houllier::houllier::houllier::houllier:
  14. Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

    Phew thank god for clearing that up!