Recent content by loony

  1. LVG thinks the club will appoint Giggs to be our next manager - in reply to a question by MUTV

    Fair enough, there have been a few. But I just don't think it would be good to take that risk. Last season was so traumatic I think we need to re establish ourselves for a good while (longer than 3 years) before Giggs is considered. It's already been one year with Van Gaal and there is still...
  2. LVG thinks the club will appoint Giggs to be our next manager - in reply to a question by MUTV

    I agree we need a manager who won't strip everything down but take what's there and make a few changes. Heynckes for Bayern after Van Gaal is a good example. But it's not a good enough reason to choose Giggs. He simply doesn't have the experience required. I know Guardiola was amazing for Barça...
  3. LVG thinks the club will appoint Giggs to be our next manager - in reply to a question by MUTV

    Van Gaal is rebuilding us. Hopefully in two years we'll be one of the best in Europe again. Making Giggs manager at that stage would be so risky & unneccessary. It's an emotional decision that has so much risk & considering how damaging the last managerial decision was perhaps we should go for...
  4. Daley Blind | 2014/15 Performances

    I'm surprised at the criticism of Blind. He's clearly good enough for us but has a few issues. Physically he isn't strong enough for the PL. Too often he loses a 50/50 or gets pushed around. When he is at left back you can see his intelligence & clever play but he isn't strong enough to have the...
  5. Granit Xhaka

    Great post @andersj. Xhaka should definitely be an option for us. I think we need 2 midfielders, not one, so I'd be happy if Xhaka was one of them.
  6. Adnan Januzaj | 2014/15 Performances

    I wouldn't mind him leaving as he definitely needs consistent games for his development but Everton? After all the nonsense of two summers ago & hard balling us for Fellaini I'd tell them to piss off.
  7. Hugo Lloris

    If we're to sign an established keeper then Lloris would be my choice. Cech just doesn't suit our system and isn't good enough off his line or with the ball at his feet. Valdés suits the style of play perfectly so my first choice would be to keep him & sign Leno to groom as number 1.
  8. İlkay Gündoğan

    Der Westen are insistent and they are very reliable. They don't go around spreading rumours so if they are sure then I'm very confident. I think what has happened is Gündogan's reps have been told by BVB this is his price (€30m) if he won't renew. Reps have reached a personal agreement with...
  9. İlkay Gündoğan

    I'm very confident this will be done. Dortmund normally deny a move just before announcing. Ditto for United. It's a great deal for Dortmund at the moment. But if Gündogan keeps improving (which I think he will) then it'll be great for us too. At his best Gündogan for €30m is a steal.
  10. Aymeric Laporte | Signed new 5 year deal with Athletic

    Signing Laporte is like signing Hummels after his first year or two with Dortmund. Hummels would be a good signing but I'd prefer Laporte. I think he can be even better than Hummels. Great with the ball + an excellent defender who has consistency which is vital. Just a matter of time till one...
  11. İlkay Gündoğan

    Very reliable. Sebastian Wessling, one of the most reliable Dortmund journalists, wrote on Twitter that according to their information the deal is done for €30m. He's probably in the top 3 for Dortmund news.
  12. İlkay Gündoğan

    Two years ago Vidal and Gündogan were my dream midfield signings. Broken knee and broken back had ruined that but apparently not. €30m is fair for his current level but if he gets back to his best then a complete steal. Just get Schneiderlin as well and we would have one of the best midfields...
  13. Barcelona's 2009-2011 Tactical Revolution

    Great article, thanks for the link. I really liked the part about Enrique having more individual brilliance while Guardiola had collective brilliance. The Busquets part personifies this.
  14. Barcelona's 2009-2011 Tactical Revolution

    No, not a miracle. But he had a huge role in their success which should be acknowledged. They were so good. Great players but Pep gave them the system (and Spain) to be as successful as they were.
  15. Jurgen Klopp

    Tuchel is the perfect candidate. I'd love to see him at Dortmund. Schalke should have gotten him, huge mistake letting him go. I'm genuinely sad Klopp's leaving Dortmund and I'm not even a Dortmund fan. It's been one of the best football stories. He's a great manager and I have a lot of respect...