Recent content by markthered

  1. Geordies down!

    i just hope newcastle do a leeds and stay down for a long time..
  2. Geordies down!

    it was a statement no different to yours.. how can it be well 'ard it was written on a computer not face to face? or threatening?
  3. Geordies down!

    not yet not till wed, :D just dont like some people..
  4. Geordies down!

    and as i said 'suck it'
  5. Geordies down!

    no i dont because of cocks like him.. and now you!!
  6. Geordies down!

    if i want to give a newcastle, no leeds, no newcastle follower some grief on a 'geordies down' thread when can we????????? i dont see anyone standing up for the scousers when the same is done to them!!!
  7. Geordies down!

    yes great thread geordies down other than that.. suck it brown nose
  8. Geordies down!

    haha. yep you got me i write from the heart, and dont go off to check the dictionary or google 1st.. changes nothing.. :nono:
  9. Geordies down!

    nothing to do with you.. keep out please
  10. Geordies down!

    so why constantely call them 'we'.. i used to watch rotherham when united were away but never refered to them like that.. nothing worse than a turn coat.. and seeing as you are reducing yourself to insulting language it shows you for what you are..
  11. Geordies down!

    no its called patience, something your going to have to learn whilst waiting for either of your teams to win anything again.. as for you not remembering i'm not surprised as you spout so much bollocks.. why dont you start supporting the scousers next and really put the cherry on the cake..:houllier:
  12. Geordies down!

    go on offer to ban me again, because you can.. i've waited 2 years for this since your last idiotic post's to me.. newcastle and leeds :lol:
  13. Geordies down!

    :nono: not to bright either
  14. Geordies down!

    ye when leeds got dumped he jumped on the newcastle "bandwagon" haha, where's it got him?.. so much for being loyal to your team.. still a cock
  15. Geordies down!

    Marching will have to find a new premuir league team now. ha ha newcastle and leeds what a cock..