Recent content by MrK

  1. Moyes vs Van Gaal: stat-off

    I fecking love stats, and I find it very interesting to compare the stats from Moyes and van Gaals tenures, but I think the sample sizes are too small to draw any major conclusions. Many have pointed out that van Gaal's squad is a lot different than Moyes' squad, which I think is a fair point...
  2. West Bromwich Albion vs. Manchester United

    I think that goes for a lot of the rules in football though, referees take a lot of flack simply because the laws aren't black and white.
  3. West Bromwich Albion vs. Manchester United

    But context shouldn't matter, right? Personally I don't think literal interpretation of the rules works, and I don't feel they're enforced like that either. But if a goalkeeper screws up a clearance and is only saved from a pretty certain goal by handling the ball, intentional or not, "play on"...
  4. West Bromwich Albion vs. Manchester United

    That's what the rules say, but next time a ball strikes the arm of a defender on the line and a red card and penalty are given I don't expect much uproar. The literal interpretation of the laws of the game is quite frequently not the enforced one.
  5. Howard Webb

    That surely can't wash in this case. He had a 14 stone frenchman barrelling into him, I don't think diving is the topic here!
  6. Javier Hernandez | 2013/14 Performances

    Of the teams above us in the league, we have a better set of strikers than Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs and Everton (arguably a better set than Liverpool too, but that Suarez lad is doing alright this season). If we're going to argue about the quality of our squad, there are probably a few more...
  7. Stats: What do they really tell us?

    It doesn't necessarily take a striker to kick the ball past the keeper either, but no one seems to be skeptical about goalscoring stats. In most cases goals tend to require good work to be done by more than one player, and assists are a statistic that attempts to recognise that. It's not by...
  8. Javier Hernandez | 2013/14 Performances

    I think you'll find that people who have pride in their work and strive to be the best they can be are (or should be) valued in all walks of life, and yeah, we should probably be grateful for any players we have who fit that mould. You might be happy with players at United being content with...
  9. Stoppages in stoppage time Time added on bears little relation to the amount of time that play is stopped in a given game. It just about serves to be a deterrent to time wasting, looking for logic in how the amount of extra time added is...
  10. Home sound Speakers in Kitchen and backgarden

    What's your budget? :-) I work in corporate AV, so the gear I know best probably isn't the cheapest you could find, but I could do a little digging for you.
  11. Mike Dean

    Nah, I wouldn't say shocking. It wasn't a red in my opinion, but you can understand the decision since Dean saw Kompany with both feet off the ground as he started the tackle. There might even be an argument for that in itself being a red under today's directives.
  12. Fat people to lose benefits

    Ahh, apologies. I thought you were advocating that strategy, my bad!
  13. Fat people to lose benefits

    Nice theory, but I don't think it's quite as straightforward as that. You're suggesting that if peoples benefits are taken away, the only viable option left to them is to do whatever they can to find a job. Some will take this route, but others may decide it's easier to turn to crime, drugs...
  14. Gif Request Thread

    Here's one angle of it
  15. Full backs who can actually defend

    After hitting submit I kinda realised I replied to the wrong post, I just saw people getting hung up on the name of the position and yours was the last post in the chain :) I'm still quite possibly talking a load of bollocks though, never discount that.