Recent content by Olelor

  1. Henrikh Mkhitaryan | 2017/18 Performances

    Are you being serious? That’s taking it way too far.
  2. Henrikh Mkhitaryan | 2017/18 Performances

    I think there is a reason few people saw the Neymar transfer coming. It’s hard to lure players away from other big clubs. I’m not saying we have to buy substandard players, just that we won’t be getting a Eriksen/Isco/Silva easily. It is woth noting that i am biased towards Mhiki, because of how...
  3. Henrikh Mkhitaryan | 2017/18 Performances

    By who? There aren’t a sea ful of gettable worldclass AM’s
  4. Henrikh Mkhitaryan | 2017/18 Performances

    I can’t understand how so many on here can be so negative towards Mhikitaryan. He is one of few in the team capable of a creative pass in the final third. I can agree that he’s been poor lately, but it seems people have made up their mind about him being a garbage player. Can’t for the life of...