Recent content by Panfc

  1. Scott McTominay | 2022/23 Performances

    I love Scott. I think he’s our most underestimated player and very much like Fletcher. He has a great pass, can score a goal, good shot. He just tried a little too hard last season. Wanted to do too much, worked too hard. He’ll shine this year I think.
  2. Players to Watch this season

    Well, excuse my spelling mistake my friend. I’m Dutch and wasn’t paying enough attention late at night. I’m sure you get my gist.
  3. What's our best centre-back partnership?

    I’m afraid it’s going to be Maguire and Martinez, as we’ve paid way too much for both of them. So I’m still hoping for a commanding central defender coming in, against all hopes really. One where Lindelof, Varane or Bailly don’t have to worry about and can just focus on their own game. But since...
  4. Last Man Standing 2022/23 | Losing finalists: jadajos, Jeffchin and VinchNow (401 started)

    Wk1: Man Utd Wk2: Nott Forest Wk3: Wolves
  5. Is C.Ronaldo proving to be the greatest heel the sport has ever seen?

    Well, in all fairness, he did say last year he eouldn’t want to play for us when we’d be playing for 6th or 7th, not winning anything. So he’s been honest. And with the transfers we’ve made, the players we were/are interested in, I totally agree with him that it doesn’t show like we mean...
  6. Players to Watch this season

    I’m hoping it’s going to be James Garner. I love youngsters coming through for us and he did so well at Forrest. I also hope Rashford will be back to his best. He’s shown he can do it, he seems such a nice guy. I think he deserves it to take that next step.
  7. Memphis Depay (stays)

    No. We need players that make the team better. No players needed for the width of the team. Besides that, we need a central defender and a defensive midfielder. And yes, I know we bought Martinez, but I don’t think he’s good enough.
  8. Antony | Here we go! €100mill, contract until June 2027, option 'til 2028.

    Not an Ajax fan, but Dutch and I don’t like the guy. Next Neymar and I’m talking about his diving and rolling around qualities, not his football skills. And no, I don’t think he’s ready for a step up to the PL. Not now and not in the near future. We want players that are a direct strengthening...