Recent content by partickrock

  1. Burnley vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    I think I read that LVG persisted with a 4-1-2-1-2 at Munich to fit in all his expensive players (they had just spent a lot of money on Gomez). It didn't work so he changed the system. I think if the players in a 3-5-2 don't start to improve, he'll change the system and drop one of RVP...
  2. Burnley vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    At least we managed to keep a clean sheet, I suppose that's something.
  3. Burnley vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    Ando on. It'll get worse before it gets better...
  4. Burnley vs Manchester United (FA Premier League)

    With a back 3 you need your CBs to be comfortable on the ball, none of them are and so they keep reverting to long balls which just isn't working. On a positive note, Di Maria looks quite good.