Shane88's latest activity

  • Save fecking football, Arsenal. Christ.
  • Watch the main events of both nights. If you have any interest in wrestling, you'll be hooked.
  • The cokehead has me intrigued. Imagine it's Jungle Boy ragdolling Punk around the place?
  • Shane88 replied to the thread Television Fallout TV Series.
    Goggins will make it at least watchable on his own.
  • Watching the main event back again (I can't remember the last time I rewatched a wrestling match, it was that good). Roman's shit-talking was amazing. After hitting the CrossRhodes on Cody and he kicked out; "That move sucks. It never beats...
  • Same here. I thought it would be a safe, family friendly return to boost his brand with a disappointing match at the end of it. It's been anything but that. A brand new gimmick that he has been practically x-rated with and it ended with a...
  • What did he do/say?
  • Is Sugar just a Bosch regen?
  • ☝️Acknowledge him.
  • Night 1 was good but Night 2 was fecking spectacular. The main event with just Roman/Cody is all-time great match on its own and then you had the madness of the closing minutes. I just started laughing when Undertaker's bell tolled. Also, for...
  • Her introductions are amazing, I think she's the best ever in that regard already, and I love the way she says "The challengah..." but the voice-breaking when announcing certain winners is a bit silly.
  • Shane88 replied to the thread A genuine 3-horse title race?.
    Ideally Arsenal and Liverpool win all their remaining games with Arsenal pipping them on GD, meaning we officially cost them the league.
  • Just caught up with night 1. A good show. Rhea/Becky was a very good match. I think Becky should've won. Rhea has gone through multiple women legends at Mania already now. Ladder match was a ladder match. Always full of mad spots. Rey and co...
  • The last week's results is making this a very real possibility now. 6th: United: 49 7th: West Ham: 48 (Played a game more) 8th: Newcastle: 47 9th: Chelsea: 44 I was hesitant to include Chelsea but they can make ground with their game in hand...
  • Exactly. Why persist with Varane who plays 1 and misses 4 or Evans, who is 36/37? There is nothing left to play for in the league. Give him the last half a dozen games and get him familiar with the Premier League. Best case scenario, he thrives...