Recent content by sonymobby

  1. Television Arrested Development

    I think she (her forehead specifically) looked weird with long hair because it was actually a wig.
  2. Television Arrested Development

    Netflix has a free month before you have to pay anything, if you don't want to do that...
  3. David Beckham's retiring

    From reddit.
  4. The F1 Thread 2012 Season

    Vodafone owns 45% of Verizon.
  5. The Saxophone

  6. What in the world are they spraying? (Spoiler: Nothing)

    I give up. Here, have a cookie.
  7. What in the world are they spraying? (Spoiler: Nothing)

    Ditto. cli·mate/ˈklīmit/ Noun: The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. A region with particular prevailing weather conditions.
  8. What in the world are they spraying? (Spoiler: Nothing)

    Is that an indirect way to deny climate change or at least man made climate change?
  9. Nolan's Batman

    5. Not sure where he got the stab but I guess that he removed the knife quickly patched using some kind of foam that fills stab wounds (I remember seeing something like that in some movie). Also he might have taken a cocktail of painkillers and stimulants. 6. Well, the Joker continuously lied...
  10. Nolan's Batman

    About the plot holes. There's a masked vigilante fitting crime in your city having high tech gadgets and futuristic vehicles. That masked vigilante comes to the scene when a healthy, young billionaire returns after he was presumed dead, disappears when the billionaire becomes a recluse and...
  11. Nolan's Batman

    And tell me how that wasn't the case for the two previous films?
  12. $21tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

    Can anyone point me towards the right direction please? I want to understand how people move money around through international banks to various tax havens. I want to understand the actual logistics of it. How is their system set up, how do they make sure that these sums have been generated...
  13. here's one to debate

    It's up to the DA if he's going to prosecute him or not, though. So if the DA is pleased with the evidence and man's testimony and he deems that nothing illegal has happened then the man won't be prosecuted, like in this case.