Recent content by Spaniel

  1. That post match interview with our manager

    Absolutely this!
  2. That post match interview with our manager

    Not a fan of Jose at all. Never wanted him here and would love to see him go. The "football" he serves up is dire. Having said that he was right to criticise the players publicly. Rashford in particular just doesn't cut it. He has had ample time to improve. As far as I am concerned the lad is...
  3. Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

    And why is that? My opinion is as good as anyone's. "Newbie" what does that mean? I suspect that I have far more experience of playing and watching the game than yourself.
  4. Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

    Agree 100% and all the diving shenanigans!
  5. Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

    Don't agree. So what you are effectively saying is that if there is ANY contact its a penalty?! Like I said earlier, you would have got laughed off the park yesteryear. Such a shame that most others agree with your point of view. Anyway, I won't change my opinion as I suspect you won't change...
  6. Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

    The modern game is a joke. I reckon the penalties/offside decisions in the Liverpool v Spurs and the penalty tonight for Watford v Chelsea were scandalous. I don't give a monkeys if there was any physical contact, in every case the players made a complete meal out of it. Clearly looking for the...
  7. Post match vs Everton

    Plenty of others have criticised him, in this thread and others. I happen to believe that both him and Ibrahimovich are too static and our general all round play suffers as a result. If he (they) come back in and we play with the same verve then I will happily stand corrected. Until then....
  8. Post match vs Everton

    Much, much better. Good decision not to start Rashford. My only fear is what happens when Lukaku and Ibrahimovich are both fit again. Hope that Jose keeps faith with those that started tonight.
  9. Post match vs Leicester City

    Can't believe some of the criticism of Lukaku in this thread. I aren't his greatest fan but he created chances for his team mates that should have been taken. The two who deserve the real flak are Mouriniho who failed to do what he is paid for...manage the Smalling incident. The other is...
  10. Supporters that dont want Mourinho: What will he have to do to win you over?

    Nothing funny about it at all. I will post as and when I like. As a sixty year old I have seen enough bad times over the years so hardly warrant the "glory supporter" tag. Don't post much because my love for the game has been eroded over the years. People like our current manager being just one...
  11. Supporters that dont want Mourinho: What will he have to do to win you over?

    I never wanted the guy to manage United and posted that point of view when he came to us. Nothing he has done has forced me to reconsider. I don't like his tactics, far too negative. His post match interviews are an embarrassment. He is the complete opposite of what United once stood for. I used...
  12. Post match vs Real Madrid

    God, I wish...
  13. Post match vs Real Madrid

    On what other basis could we judge the team? They happened to be playing Real Madrid..end of. As you yourself pointed out, "they were two classes above us." I don't know how long this rebuilding is going to take under Jose but it seems to be going along at an alarmingly slow rate. A few wins in...
  14. Post match vs Real Madrid

    Thought the game was pretty much a repeat of a lot of last season. Spurned chances, an often isolated centre forward and no real passion. Was really hoping for better honest. Pretty underwhelmed, things can only get better.
  15. Post match vs West Bromwich Albion

    I'm not sure if I do want us to get a top four slot. Not with the current team anyway. We aren't going to win the Champions League anyway, so what's the point? We are light years beyond the top teams in our league, let alone Europe. Don't give me that money bullshit either. We have spunked...