Recent content by Twentythreeeleven

  1. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    It was a privilegde to watch him in a world cup final. His ilk does't come along very often, maybe once every two or three decades. Even at 50%, which he has been this season, he's the best player in the world. Almost every time he touched that ball in the final something happened (execpt the...
  2. Brazil: Flattering to deceive?

    Boy has thread come back to bite you on the ass. Not even close. You can drop the amateur pundit act now.
  3. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    Yeah well, I guessing with his hamstring injuries he might have to make a choice like Ryan Giggs did at about the same age? Although Robben seems to be have kept his explosive pace going into his thirties,
  4. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    I'm guessing there is some kind of inside joke that I'm not privy to?
  5. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    Yeah bra, 41 goals in 46 games for Barca last season, four out of 6 in this World Cup. He's peaked.
  6. Who will win the World Cup ?

    Think either the Argies or the Germans might just be ones to knick it.
  7. Who would you root for this sunday and why?

    Root? You must be a yank. In Australia this means to have sexual intercourse or is used to refer to the underground part of a tree. It can also be used to describe non alcoholic beer.
  8. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    Ohh, Cristiano Ronaldo. Still doesn't make any sense. People have been comparing him to other players in this thread. Why not him?
  9. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    Just wondering why were not allowed to compare him to Ronaldo? I think there a similarities between what Ronaldo faced in 1998. Going into a final expecting to carry his team against arguably a better opposition.
  10. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    Well i think the centreback Garay has been fantastic all tournament. Di Maria was good value early on as well. Had a number of shots saved and hit he post that could have easily gone in. Also, Roco was good in the group stages bombing on.
  11. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    What do you mean by ordinary? He rarely loses possesion, doesn't overcomplicate things and keeps things ticking over. He's not a playmaker but this doesnt make him mediocre. In fact his job is to do the dirty work and simple things so other can shine. I do agree that Argentina's midfield isnt...
  12. Messi at the World Cup - No Ronaldo comparisons!

    It's a myth that Argentina 86 was poor or an "average side" and Maradona single handedly won them the world cup. An absolute myth. I watched a lot of that tournament in 86 in the form of full games. Argentina were a fantastic team. I think the movie "Hero" has warped a lot of peoples views on...
  13. Final - Germany vs. Argentina

    I think the 7-1 win has muddied the waters a bit. There were many critics of some of Germany's world cup performances prior to that game. I don't think Argentina are an "average" like a few people have suggested. They've been tested for the whole tournament and come through every challenge...
  14. Day 22: Brazil vs. Germany

    Good analogy!
  15. Day 22: Brazil vs. Germany

    Hi Dante. Just wanted to say it wasn't your fault mate. That Luiz fella left you high and dry on too many occasions. Btw what does that map mean?