Recent content by waterglow

  1. L.A. Noir

    Yeah, I've clocked at least 2 other people from Mad Men in the game (besides Cole) as well and I've only played approx 4/5 hours.
  2. L.A. Noir

    Interrogations are pleasantly surprising difficulty wise. I'm getting 2 maybe 3 out of 4 or 5 questions right at the moment. Quite enjoy going back and doing it again. Could very well be I'm just shit at it though.
  3. L.A. Noir

    In work at the moment but played it a bit before leaving. Enjoying it so far. Prefer it with the sound cue's off for clues. On The Fallen Idol case at the moemnt which I've heard is a decent one.
  4. Manchester United vs Arsenal

    Thought Foster's positioning didn't help
  5. Chelsea vs Manchester United

    Does he have goalkeeping 101 on his Ipod by any chance?
  6. 90s Television

    This Life
  7. Barcelona vs Manchester United

    Not like we have a player of the year in defence. OH WAIT!!!!
  8. Barcelona vs Manchester United

    Platini may actually turn the child porn off to watch the end of this, fecking cnut
  9. Barcelona vs Manchester United

    Their defence is shit and we cant even break it, useless sods
  10. Barcelona vs Manchester United

    People visited a hostile city and got stabbed for this performance. Absolutely gutless.
  11. Manchester United vs FC Porto

    Hahaha, if that doesn't cheer us up nothing will.
  12. Manchester United vs FC Porto

    Playing far too much of our games like deers in the fecking headlights. They need to man up and concentrate more, fecking wasters.
  13. Manchester United vs FC Porto

    Recording breaking defence, no shit. It's costing us our season in a record number of fecking games.
  14. Manchester United vs FC Porto

    We don't deserve to go through, simple as. fecking awful.
  15. Please sack Alan Green

    Would some form of online petition hold any weight? Obviously worded a bit more PC than "Sign here if you think Green is a fat cnut". Maybe "Overweight" instead of "fat".