Recent content by Xadek

  1. Champions League — quarter-finals and semi-finals draw

    Even in our best days we can't compare to them since we're only allowed 11 men on the pitch.
  2. Are you confident of success in the INEOS era?

    Can't get worse than it already is, right? Right??
  3. Erik ten Hag - Manchester United manager / awaiting clarity from the club over his position

    We used to have Fergie time, now we have Erik time which is the absolute opposite.
  4. Common Football Tactics/Practices Which Makes No Sense In Your Opinion

    Direct corners are actually very effective and plenty of goals are scored from those. "Conversion rate is bad", well there are a lot of corners in a game anyway and there's no proof short corners are more effective Also the effectiveness can vary with the team. Is a short corner for City the...