£200million a year on their own


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
:eek: From Soccernet.com

Saturday, February 21, 2004

United fans warn of TV split

Manchester United fans have warned the rest of the football world that any takeover of their club could signal the end of the Premiership.

A number of influential supporters groups joined forces yesterday to fight potential takeover bids from major shareholders Malcolm Glazer and the Cubic Expression company of Irish duo John Magnier and JP McManus.

Small shareholders, who hold approximately 17% of the club's stock, will be asked to sign a 'pledge of independence' vowing not to sell their shares in an attempt to make a takeover less attractive.

The concern expressed among Red Devils supporters about the possibility of their club being bought out has been greeted with some amusement by non-United sympathisers eager to see them embroiled in turmoil.

However, the fear around Old Trafford is the likely way any new owner would seek to maximise the company's revenue streams by ditching the collective TV agreement currently in place.

And if United did decide to split, the disparity in income between the Premiership champions and the rest of the league would effectively end any hope of competition within the domestic game.

'If United did their own TV deals, they could possibly make around £200million a year on their own,' said Mark Longden, spokesman for the Independent Manchester United Supporters Association.

'The disparity in competition that extra revenue would bring would lead naturally to a European Super League and from there three or four teams playing against each other.

'None of us wants that situation to arise but that is the very real prospect if someone takes over Manchester United who is only interested in making profit.'

While there appears to be no immediate likelihood of Magnier and McManus launching an outright bid for the club, Glazer's plans are less clear following his ambiguous statement to the Stock Market earlier this week.

Magnier's legal battle with Sir Alex Ferguson over Rock of Gibraltar has turned the Irishman into the major focus of supporter discontent but any thought that Glazer is viewed as a potential saviour has been quickly dispelled with fans vowing to take the fight across the Atlantic if necessary.

'The team are on tour in the United States next summer and it's not too difficult to get a flight from New York to Miami,' said PJ O'Neill of the popular Red Issue fanzine.

'United fans do not see their club as purely a business venture and we are prepared to take action to voice our disapproval as we saw at Hereford races the other day.'

A banner declaring 'Manchester United is Not for Sale' will be unveiled at the Stretford End ahead of this lunchtime's game with Leeds, while the supporters have also received Parliamentary support in the form of Manchester Central MP Tony Lloyd.

'Football is not a commodity to be bought and sold like baked beans,' said Lloyd.

'The game belongs to the fans. They are the emotional and moral lifeblood every club is built around, not mere customers who can choose to shop elsewhere if they don't like what they see.

'This is not just an argument for Manchester United. What is happening here could happen anywhere.'


Full Member
Oct 9, 2001
MrMarcello said:
:eek: From Soccernet.com

A banner declaring 'Manchester United is Not for Sale' will be unveiled at the Stretford End ahead of this lunchtime's game with Leeds,
saw that. Kudos to the supporter. :devil: :devil: :devil: